This is the #selfie & #memory #threadcast Day 15 You are your brand, your face is your brand. Post a selfie of yourself, or yourself with friends, pets, food, or just what ever you are doing. Or just a memory.
CONTEST: Today thru & including Saturday. Everyone that posts in this threadcast will get an entry for a gift of Premium for a month from me and 1000 DOOK from @bitcoinman. and 100,000 PEPE from @pepetoken. Draw Sunday
Ok, Ok, here‘s a real selfie …
Thats good! !DOOK
I have seen your face somewhere. I just cant place it. LOL
Hahaha, funny photo!
Awesome !DOOK
Coffee Selfie at work

#selfie #coffee
YOu need a mug like mine! !DOOK
Yeah... This one is a random one from work.
Enjoy your cobbee. !DOOK
Thanks 🙏 ☕
Awesome :) !DOOK
Damn, i‘m not good with selfies 👉🏽🤪👈🏽
You seem to have lost your head! !DOOK
Did someone say „Blow this up?“ 👀

Someone did! !DOOK
Enjoy some mangoes 😋
#freecompliments #thread2earn #photographers #selfie
awesome !DOOK
Not sure what happened here.

Interesting. !DOOK
More funny filter

#selfie #fun
I may have a nightmare tonight! lol !DOOK
Using filter...

#selfie #zombie
hahahahahahahaha !DOOK
Nice mug! Remember this movie?
ha ha yes. SpaceBalls?
Did you hear they are now making a part 2?
No I never. lol
They announced it just this last month, Mel Brooks has to be almost 90 by now!
#selfie #memory
Holding my newest little one, she's less than a week old!

that is so awesome 😎
Awesome :) !DOOK
I am somewhat preo this entire weekend. My withdrawals from my Hive addiction has already started 😂
My phone sometimes mess up and delete the predictive text. It was supposed to be preoccupied 😄
never loose your Hive addiction.
I most likely never will. It has grown a lot on me this past 18 ish months
Well I joined 1818 days ago. I have posted 1818 days in a row ;)
Show off! 😂
My journey has been quite different. I never used to post on any social media, but Hive is different. This is the platform where I am most active 💪🏼
awesome 👌
Yes I am showing off.
And proud of it 😀
Very understandable, it's a great accomplishment. Is there like a medal for 1000 days post in a row?
That is dedication! !DOOK

Just take a bit of time to relax after the kids swim practice this morning!
Awesome :) !DOOK
we gat 101 comments already 🥂🥂🥂🥂..
That means it is party time ! ;) !DOOK
Oh yes it is 🤣🤣
hehe !DOOK
Bird on my head #selfie #bird
Oh god. lol
Greetings my dear friends, it's another day for the sel-fie parade 😂😂😂😂.
awesome 👌!DOOK
Thanks for the DOOK, you can and "s" to the and make them "DOOK's" 😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂 I thought you would send me more Dooks
Today is the last day of the contest here :)
Surprise face - What thread did I just read?

I have no idea! lol. !DOOK
I zoomed in on the hill. #Bradleywood !DOOK #selfie
Happiness is free
#selfie #photographers #thread2earn #freecompliments
Somewhere on the road
#freecompliments #thread2earn #selfie
I need a #boom vote
#selfie #freecompliments #thread2earn
It'll come. !DOOK
Thank you
You're welcome. :)
Are you doing frog jump?
Good day to you my friend 🥂🥂.
Good day to you too
How is your day going?
sum won sae frog? !DOOK
You know I love frog legs 🍗🍗🍗🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Has anyone ever read tips for taking a good selfie somewhere?
Check it out here:
Find the right light: Try to find a natural source of light, such as sunlight or a well-lit window. If you're indoors, use artificial lighting that doesn't cast shadows on your face.
Correct posture: Keep the camera at eye level and try to stand up straight. For profile selfies, slightly tilt your head to one side; for close-ups, lower your head a bit.
Facial expression: Smile naturally or use a facial expression that reflects your mood. Avoid forced smiles or grimaces.
Composition: Try to include interesting elements in the background, such as landscapes, objects, or friends. If you're alone, try creating an interesting effect with your hand or arm behind you.
Focus: Make sure the camera is focused on your face before taking the photo. Otherwise, the result may be a clear shot of the top half of your body and a blurred face.
Stable camera or motion: Try to keep the camera steady for at least the duration of the exposure to avoid blurry or distorted photos.
Edit with care: If you want to edit the photo, do so moderately to preserve its natural beauty. Avoid excessive photo retouching or manipulation that could make the image look artificial.
Selfie during the day.
Night selfie
I must be honest, I have really no clue how to mine #BBH and don't know shit about #dook and #dailydook. Could you elaborate?
Well when I !DOOK you threre should be another comment from dook with a link explaining. For mining #BBH you need to buy BBHM.
Oh, ok, I see the @dookbot showed up! I will check the BBHM out! Thanks for that!
Glad I could be helpful :) !DOOK