
Let's say I was hooked by my wife, we met, we went out together, we spent time together and that's how our love for each other was born. And since then everything has been very good. 😁

that is awesome. But why did you want to "hook a wife"? I am going to make your think, I am going to make your brain go places you never knew it would ;)

She started by saying hi to me and after a while I ended up really liking her. I wanted to marry her and start a family with her because I felt good with her, I felt loved and that made me more confident to have a relationship with her.

That is awesome :) But I am going to really challenge your brain. Why do you think you started liking her?

Because I felt that she completed me, I don't know exactly how to explain it, but that's how relationships are, you feel that you like a person, the moments you spend with them, being with them. That's what I felt.

That is what I want you, your brain, to dig into. Why did she complete you? How similarar are you two? Do people make comments about how much you two look alke? Is there a basic instint that brought you two togehter?

Haha, your questions are interesting. They completed me because I realized that we liked the same things, movies, cinema, series, ideas, thoughts about living together, we even like our snacks, lol. People do say that we are similar.

Our attitudes, we like to work, talk to each other, we believe in God, we love our family, these are details like that, it's complicated to explain everything here lol, but like, it's a feeling we have, I think it's a little above reason.