Pretty bold changes... The 2 day minimum rental period will probably mess up my renting strategy. I got all my lvl2 summoners rented out and I'm renting a summoner that fits with the daily focus, so it will get more expensive at least.
With the higher potion quantities, I would have hoped that they reduced the amount in Silver, getting way too many of them.
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Yeah, it will affect some strategies, for sure. If the ECR exploit impact is reduced, maybe it's worth it, overall. Otherwise, I'll be affected too, because the rental market will likely get hit by this. Although we never know, I've misjudged what the rental market would do in the past.
You get fewer potion chests in higher leagues, but I'm sure you already knew that.
Yeah, rental market is hard to predict. I'm still trying to figure out the demand for certain cards. But hey, soon we'll so how it goes!