This monster is being built here in Finland. She is gonna sail in the Caribbean and is the largest cruise ship in the world.
This monster is being built here in Finland. She is gonna sail in the Caribbean and is the largest cruise ship in the world.
I was doing some back-of-the-envelop math. That cruise ship
That thing is a monster, indeed.
Interesting facts! When I read about it being the largest cruise in the world I in fact thought that maybe aircraft carriers might be bigger. Or tankers.
I had to look it up to make sure. The difference in displacement is due to the extra things the cruise ship needs to support both passengers and crew. Height is always being challenged. Think of 3 to 4 futbol pitches for length.
Yeah, for sure, and it got a lot crew!
That's just crazy long...
Eventually these ships will look like cubes-- just as tall as they R long and wide. As long as they don't need to pass through canals-- specifically, Panama & Suez-- they will be as wide as cruise lines desired. I prefer streamlined ships.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how far they can stretch the design. I guess when people learn to use new materials it can be taken even further.
A man would need to be very, very drunk to be on that ship.
That's incredible! 🐸 Five times heavier than the Titanic that sank ... gulp ....
yeah! That's so over the top, imo
Hmmmm, is all I can say.
I think it's way over the top... would not go.
Let's hope we don't get more bad news by then.