Yesterday I sent 50e to Kraken but it had not arrived this morning. Found out that my bank had put it on halt. I had to answer 5 "security" questions that were for "my own protection". 🙄
Don’t know about the EU, but my bank in the US tried to pull that crap on me once. So I just stopped buying and focus on earning. Much better that way, 😂
True that!
This was the first time in like three years that I sent fiat to exchange. I was supposed to go do a small bar tour this evening but decided to spend the beer money in BTC instead.
It came as a bit of a surprise that the stuff banks pull now is like that though!
Good thing the bank is looking out for your best intrests like that..
😆 🤣 😂
Yeah, they sure are "helpful" when I'm sending fiat abroad but when I need help with some other thing, can't even reach them! 😂😂😂
Don’t know about the EU, but my bank in the US tried to pull that crap on me once. So I just stopped buying and focus on earning. Much better that way, 😂
True that!
This was the first time in like three years that I sent fiat to exchange. I was supposed to go do a small bar tour this evening but decided to spend the beer money in BTC instead.
It came as a bit of a surprise that the stuff banks pull now is like that though!
Yep, they are all slimy
Ah, crypto is always put on the spotlight. Hope they were satisfied with your answers?
Banks are increasingly becoming a headache to deal with!
Yeah, the last thing I need is more interaction with them.
I don't even wanna find out if they'd replied to me back, just saw a deposit successful mail from Kraken so I guess they were. 🙂
Haven't sent fiat in ages. Is it like this nowadays in EU?
Was it released after you answered the questions?
Yes, it was. Just got a deposit mail from Kraken so that's why I know. Don't even want to check out if the bank replied again! 😂
It can be annoying when things like that happen. But it's good they didn't need another round of questioning, lol!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes it can but tbh it wasn't that bothering but more of a surprise! 😀
That's good then😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
crypto is all scan. Did not you know that? :P
Scanned. Tell me more! 😃
ha ha typo. Scam is the right word.
Yeah, I know. 😀 But to answer your question with a question, what if fiat is a scam?
@taskmaster4450 would love to have those mental marathons. Should we also invite @jongolson? He does not like to #threads that much :)
👍 The more the merrier!