
lol that's a good #greta meme

Thanks for supporting #greta !

I'm replying from the old UI because the new UI doesn't allow me because you have "." on your name.

Anyway, yes I think that will work too. I'm supporting the #greta tag with my splash as well.

😀 Thanks! Glad you liked it!

#greta is so smart

She sure is! #greta to the moon!

Didn't know climate had stop-loss options :-o

Market looking #greta and greta each day

Well... it's sort of a hobby for her 😬
It's #greta to see crypto pumping again!

Do tell what #greta decides :)

#greta is still undecided but check out Gretas entry! that tiny green arrow. Pretty good.

Nice! #greta is so smart indeed as onealfa says :)