I almost answered too quickly but the words “overall” and “society” made me change my mind.
The effect varies based on the “individual”. It’s been a positive for me but when I think about “society” (as in everybody) it’s clearly negative. The iPhone was a great advancement for e-commerce and what I would call “convenience tech”, but we have to ask ourselves if those factors outweigh the extreme uptick in mental disorders since its release in 2007. iPhone also was the 1st piece of tech that literally shamed people for using any alternatives lol.
Back to the mental health, smartphones even have their own signature disorders nowadays like “doomscrolling anxiety” and “TikTok tics”.
I think it'll be positive because I'm waiting for another phone to convince iPhone lovers. If that phone company can do that they would have used free innovation and that's the positive value iPhone will bring. A successor
I think the positive impact of the internet will play out over centuries and are totally immeasurable but the negative impact are Felt more immediately. We are still learning how to interact with it
I know I’d probably be stuck in my hometown without it so I am eternally greatful even if I don’t trust the companies that control most of it
I almost answered too quickly but the words “overall” and “society” made me change my mind.
The effect varies based on the “individual”. It’s been a positive for me but when I think about “society” (as in everybody) it’s clearly negative. The iPhone was a great advancement for e-commerce and what I would call “convenience tech”, but we have to ask ourselves if those factors outweigh the extreme uptick in mental disorders since its release in 2007. iPhone also was the 1st piece of tech that literally shamed people for using any alternatives lol.
Back to the mental health, smartphones even have their own signature disorders nowadays like “doomscrolling anxiety” and “TikTok tics”.
Excuse the rant lol…
We are all becoming doom scrollers these days haha
It's definitely having an overall negative affect on our mental health.
yea it’s a struggle lol
I would still say its a positive. Technology per say isnt bad, but that humans get so addicted to it might be bad for overall society.
Like any technology it can be used for good or evil
I think it'll be positive because I'm waiting for another phone to convince iPhone lovers. If that phone company can do that they would have used free innovation and that's the positive value iPhone will bring. A successor
I think the positive impact of the internet will play out over centuries and are totally immeasurable but the negative impact are Felt more immediately. We are still learning how to interact with it
I know I’d probably be stuck in my hometown without it so I am eternally greatful even if I don’t trust the companies that control most of it
It's a double-edged sword isn't it.