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RE: Digital Advertising Platforms Taking A Tumble

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Excellent round up. The pernicious increase in the belief that advertisers should care about what they advertise alongside is going to continue to destroy the business model of advertising supported content.

Local advertising will work but the big bucks of brand advertising is suffering an existential crisis caused by bowing to a woke mob.

And all along Facebook Google and others have been over counting reach.

Interesting to watch. I just hope Facebook and Google survive long enough for our court case in Australia to deliver the death blows. 😏


Those Stocks have bubbled up a lot during the lockdown times, it was about time to come down, and now that markets overall have weakened, so yes, probably they will wait and bleed until you bring justice to them.


I think there's still enough inertia in the first world and onboarding in the 3rd world to keep revenues going, but their PEs will be compressed, why bid up a risk asset with expensive cash flows when you you can go get a value stock paying dividents or trade bonds?

I think the woke-ism has definitely started to eat into their ad model for sure, as a marketer myself, having had to use these platforms to earn a living, I can say I won't be sad to see them die, too many marketers are making a living off blasting shit in peoples eyeballs