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RE: Hive has been Cut Off

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I feel like we should discuss Lightning at some point but I'm not sure I have the energy to type it all! Let me know if you want a voice chat.


There was once a time many many years ago I ran a Casa node lol. I expect this has changed a good bit since those times?

Why doesnt everybody run a bitcoind wallet which is also a node? low overheard, low power, just 1 Tb set aside... I wonder

I'm not sure what Casa is, but running a Lightning node is like nothing else in blockchain. It's a completely different beast.

lol you talk about it so often I feel like I should know already
just a testament to the overcomplexity and absurdity of it all I suppose.

Even Binanace has a 2m sat upper limit on transactions AND it doesn't allow transfers to two specific wallets, Muun and Breez which are both non-custodial wallets that allow you to hold your own keys and use some fancy behind the scenes tricks to be Lightning wallets on a phone.

The reality is that they put a 2m limit on probably because the rest of the network isn't reliable above that and I can already imagine that running the liquidity on their node is a bit of a pain. The restriction on Breez and Muun is likely due to the delays which occur when they do zero confirmation channel opening (and you trust them for a few minutes while main chain transactions occur).

Thanks for the comment I'll take you up on that voice chat later when we've both got higher energy levels and I actually commit to writing a post dedicated to LN. Might be a hwile.