
I have brought @v4vapp with KeepSats functions disabled for hopefully a short while.

I have some more testing to do but I hope to have them back up soon.

Just got stuck for a while trying to figure out the difference between my pytest environment and my working debug env.

async def test_check_balance(httpx_mock: HTTPXMock):

had to remove the bit in the brackets.

When this is all done and I'm 100% sure I've fixed it, I'll write a decent post about this.

I made a mistake which is a pretty common one so I'm certainly not the first to do this.

oof you hate to hear that.

Oh sounds serious.

Right now I'm working on the core back end code and working on the front end API server simultaneously.

Trying to build some unit tests which re-create how the hacker stole money from me, so I can be sure I've fixed it.