What can Hive do for Adam Curry's new Podcasting Index?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

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I absolutely know in there is role for Hive in the Podcast Index project. I'm not the coder I'd need to be but I'd like to see some of the talent here on Hive take a look and listen to Podcasting 2.0 and start seeing the synergies!

Podcasting is huge, podcasters build communities and need censorship resistance: and Hive has all of this with monetisation options thrown in.

Podcasting History

If you want to know how that happened, you can read this. For now there is one part of the story that's worth highlighting. Today Adam Curry hosts the No Agenda Podcast.There are two people who kicked off the entire podcasting revolution in 2000: @adamcurry and Dave Winer.

This short clip from 2005 is very important.

Kara Swisher how do you control the dirty stuff.jpg

And as a footnote: Kara Swisher is the journalist whose first thought was (in reaction to Adam dropping an F-bomb)

"How do you control, say, dirty stuff?"

If you follow Kara Swisher's work on Twitter and elsewhere, you'll understand she is very interested in censorship and control of what she considers to be dangerous material today. Resistance to her kind of censorship is the very essence of one of the core values of Hive.

The Index

That clip with Steve Jobs followed a meeting he had with Adam Curry in which Adam Curry agreed to let Apple build Podcasting into the next generation of Apple products and software. Adam handed over to Apple, at the time, the most important index of existing Podcasts and that formed the core of the index which Apple maintains to this day.

But Apple is no longer a safe steward of this vital function. They have proved to be susceptible to pressure and it was the coordinated simultaneous deplatforming of Alex Jones in August 2018 which woke a lot of people up.

Adam Curry's primary podcast today, which he cohosts with @therealdvorak, is deliberately run on independent infrastructure. They monetise with the "value for value" model and eschew standard advertising models. However, if they were to lose their place in the Apple Podcast Index (there's not reason to suggest they might), that would be a huge problem.

To that end Adam, along with RSS aggregating expert Dave Jones, have started up the Podcast Index and a new show, Podcast 2.0 - RSS feed, to go with it.


They're coding up a new open index with an API and encouraging Podcast Apps to switch to their index. If devs in particular listen to their two podcasts so far they'll get an idea of the technical areas. They're

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I absolutely know in my heart that there is role for Hive in the Podcast Index project. I'm not the coder I'd need to be but I'd like to see some of the talent here on Hive take a look and listen to Podcasting 2.0 and start seeing the synergies!

So go visit Podcast Index, sign up for an API key and take a look at their GitHub. I'd really like to hear some feedback from the Hive Dev community. Podcasting is huge, podcasters build communities and need censorship resistance: and Hive has all of this with monetisation options thrown in.

You can find the first two episodes of Podcast 2.0 on 3speak:


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I was listening to him talk about it on JRE and I thought wow how cool that would be to add to let say LEO and pull in all the investment podcasts so people can listen and then chat about it, would be very cool. Also he spoke about a concept of decentralised communities online so I am sure he'd be keen to try out HIVE if we could get him to find out about it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Curry and Dvorak have a very interesting podcast no matter where you stand on the political spectrum. As the "Podfather" it was only fitting that Adam was the first guest on the new Joe Rogan podcast.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm trying to get more of a No Agenda community going here on Hive, do make sure you check in on the No Agenda Producers's community.

I thought I was the only one here! :) My politics may not match theirs, but I've been a fan of the show since 2012 and download every episode. Not a producer yet, but plan to get "dedouched" in the not too distant future. Went from: Daily Source Code>Cranky Geeks>TWiT>NoAgenda and have never looked back! :)

I also found the show via Dvorak and TWiT but gave up on that show a long time ago... I was listening pretty much from the beginning, way back to their restaurant reviews!