Trump About to Turbo Charge the Wealth Transfer?

in LeoFinance5 years ago (edited)


For years the wealth transfer has been re-iterated over and over again in alternative media. Sadly it's already underway, with Billionaires and Millionaires increasing their wealth substantially on a daily basis, while working class families are not getting enough food and can't pay their bills.

But A lot of that wealth is locked up in the stonk markets,overpriced real estate, etc., and the ultra wealthy want a capital gains tax break so they can start dumping positions left, right and center and not have to pay a ton in taxes. The sheeple are ready to be fleeced with their 401K's and their hodl mentality.

Some of the smartest wealth managers on Youtube have been telling, nay screaming at people for the past few months to get out of Fiat. They sound crazy now, but will they sound crazy when many are left holding the bag. It's unthinkable that Interest rates would start going back up, but its a one-two punch as the ultra wealthy would move the cash that robinhood'ers gave them into more secure positions.

Now obviously the stated intent of this push to lower capital gains in the US is to stimulate the economy. The same thing was said about Trump's tax cuts in 2017 and all it did was make the rich richer and the poor poorer. It changed the CPI so that anyone depending on inflation will get hosed, unless you're tying CPI to capital gains tax, which is what Trump is pushing for. In that case the ultra wealthy get a double dose of goodness.

If anyone supports this move they are either very wealthy or very stupid. There are many different ways to tax the people. Inflation just so happens to be one of them, and it is the most inefficient way. By choosing inflation, there will be tens of millions of Americans that will never recover in their lifetime, the hill they climb will be too steep, the debt load they carry too heavy.

Our ancestors 100 years ago had farms, gardens, livestock, life skills. Without any income they survived the old fashioned way. Today people are literal sheep to be sheered, and at some point will be led to the slaughter. They will be like a chromebook that has been disconnected from the internet. Their only means of getting food and shelter may be to protest and get sent to prison. At least there they will be fed and clothed.

I'm painting a grim future for some people, but there is no other way it will turn out. Learn to survive without safety nets, or else risk getting tangled up in them.

Thanks for dropping by.