Wow this is the longest thread I've ever read through on here. I'm learning so much. Thanks @kennyskitchen for sharing what is going on and to all of you commenting here. I sure hope you stay here Kenny! Please continue pumping out inspiring content. Even if we need $20 million to counter these censors, this place still seems like an amazing place to network with like minds around the globe and share content.
This post definitely comes at an interesting time. Last week I was able to regain access to my account here after several years and I was feeling super inspired to share my intro post. I've already helped onboard several and had/have plans to start onboarding a large amount of creative community members in our communities in Colorado and Mexico. Now I'm at a cross roads..
Should we stay or should we go?! Should we dive in with a bunch of energy here or not?
I don't have the answers but I will continue to research and learn more while I'm here.