2025 (Financial) Predictions

in LeoFinance2 months ago


2025 is going to be a dark year. But, along with all this darkness, we are going to start seeing great things, such as the beginning of real technology coming out.

Tons of people will die, as it is the planned delay on the VAXXX effects. Further, there will be wars, unCivil wars, all over the world. And then there will be numerous catastrophic events.

Trump seems have started a trade war. But, this is not unplanned, or unforeseen. The repercussion run deep.

So many conspiracy theories will be proven to be true as more and more information comes out (and MSM fails to stop it) that it will make the Flat Earth Believers seem wholly rational and tin foil hats will become the latest fashion craze.

This year will be one where you can make a LOT of money if you move your money into the correct cryptos and/or silver, but, you can lose everything if you bet wrong, or freak out and sell at the wrong time. i.e. XRP which was just at $3 is on its way to $2 today. And, in the near future, will be back at 20¢ briefly.

So many crypto projects will die this year. And i am not sure if the ones that survive will be the best, or just the lucky.

Still, the only thing i am REALLY sure of is that food will go up in price. Plan on it.

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Trump was selected to oversee The U.S. (corporation) bankruptcy

We have reached the end of the FED experiment. We have reached the end of the Bretton Woods System. We have also reached the end of the facade that The U.S. is a country. It will soon be common knowledge that Lincoln got rid of the United States of America, and didn't free the slaves, but made everyone a slave.

Well, the corporation, The US is being put into bankruptcy. But, it isn't just because of the debt levels, it is that the monetary system is collapsing. And, to keep control, T.H.E.Y. will start a new corporation, move all the assets to it (and they probably already have, see Catherine Austin Fitts' "Break Away Civilization" and the Pentagon's missing trillions) and pawn all the debt onto unsuspecting sheep.

This isn't going to go the way T.H.E.Y. want as many people start figuring out what they are trying to do, and will not accept their three card monty solution.

But, think about it, Musk is being put in place to cut tons of govern-cement expenses. Just like what would happen if someone was coming in to manage the bankruptcy of a business.

Also, if you did not know, the only constitutional way of funding the government is through import/export tariffs. The income tax is not constitutional, and it resides under the corporation that has been pretending to be the United States of America. This is probably the reason why Trump brings up tariffs right now.

(The import/export court is also the only American court. The rest are only pretending to be, while they are actually courts of the banks. See Admiralty Law)

All of this comes out.

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The iceberg reveals itself

So much information is going to come out this year.

People have been noticing that tons of money is sent from The US to all kinds of other countries as "aid". And it isn't so bad that we are helping support them, but we will find a lot of this money comes back to line pockets all over the swamp. And then, we find out that much, much of it goes to fund things that we ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT FUNDED. Like child trafficking.

We find that most govern-cement agencies do not do what they say they do, and further, do things that we ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT them to do.

This may be the year that people just stop paying income tax. When people find out the horrors that their money is used for, they will, en mass, just stop paying. Human experimentations, Bioweapons to be used on us, Child trafficking, Plantations of children used for harvesting adrenochrome, and War. These are a small list of what we find that our tax dollars are being used for.

Yes, JFK was killed to keep worse things then these secret. And, we will find that our own govern-cement was involved in his assassination.

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The VAXXX comes due.

Well, we solve the housing crisis… This thing is sooo fucking dark, but if i don't include it, then people will make wrong choices about where to invest.

So many people are going to die this year. And a big portion of that will be due to the VAXXX. This is going to be hard on a lot of people as significant portions of their family are just gone. This is going to be hard on the world as many people who took care of things, maintained infrastructure and part of goods manufacturing and shipping, are suddenly gone. There aren't people ready to step in and replace them. Things are really going to fall apart.

All that money (inheritance) is going to hit the economy and create havoc.

The stock market is going to crumble as money is pulled in large chunks from it. And many other things will skyrocket in price as they are bought out.

And, other things are going to become next to free, like houses and cars, as there isn't enough buyers for them.

Along with this mass VAXXX death comes the realization that it was caused by the VAXXX. Look out BigPharma employees.

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Do your very best to stay alive this year.

Get healthy. Do not eat out. Instead buy the best food, and prepare yourself the most nutritious meals. Cut expenses while making your body better. And stock up on food, so you do not have to go the store when:

Unless you actually know what is going on, stay away from fights. Do not go to any protests. Most of them are psyops, and things worse that Jan 6th will happen to the participants. Bullets will start flying. Keep your head down.

Things will change in the financial system. I do not know the order of things, but basically, banks close and hold all your "money" hostage (and safety deposit boxes too). So, be sure to have cash on hand. For a little while, cash will be king.

There will be a moment when EVERYONE tries to get into crypto. And crypto will buy you almost anything, for cheap. Houses, cars, boats… will all be for trade for crypto.

And, of course, silver will not only stop being suppressed, but will jump in price daily as it becomes a strategic important metal.

So, have some cash, have some crypto, have some silver. I do not know exactly when, or in which order, but these things will happen.

Of course, BUY FOOD!

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Is the Vaxxx effect is connected to the recent covid 19 mass vaccination? I'm afraid I am one of those who get a vaccine.

Yes, i call it the Covaids VAXXX, because it was not a vaccine, and i want to get around the censors and the filters.

One VAXXX shot and you may be alright, two and you start having bad reactions. Basically, after one, you are usually allergic to the proteins in the VAXXX.

There are purges and cleanse protocols on the internets. Look for them.

Get on Vitamin D and C.
You need A LOT of Vitamin D. 5000 IUs or more a day. For that level, you will need K2 also.
You need enough Vitamin D in your system to completely avoid a Cytokine Storm.

Oh wow, interesting year ahead. It's becoming a bit clearer to me that this could be a well orchestrated plan, I've read a bit on break away civilisations and recent MSM news has the president of Ukraine saying they didn't receive more than half of the aid the US sent to them.

There are people that say, "The whole world's a stage". And there is a lot of evidence that points that way, that everything we see on the news on TV is staged. The problem is, it is not 100%, but it is definitely NOT 0%.

The gay pr0n actor, who is playing president of U-Crane, has a million dollar mansion in Florida. Where, he will soon disappear to.

I am going to be brutally honest, At first glance your post seems very irrational to me. But if I stop and think about it part of it makes sense. That means I have to do my own research before accepting it, but it also means that I can't blindly discard it.

And I totally 100% in favour of you on the protest thing, I have seen protests getting highjacked and turned into something else completely to divert from real issues. Not a good place to be.

Please, PLEASE! do your own research.

And, for all that is good, i hope i am wrong.
But, usually i am only wrong in the details and the timing. (Sometimes i think things have already happened, when they won't happen for a decade)

If people know of certain patterns, as they see them coming to fruition, then it is far easier to comprehend what is happening, and to do something about it. So, i try to write in such a way.

All that said, thank you for reading and BUY FOOD (at least you can eat it if i am totally wrong)