Dan was insisting that every replay had to start from the beginning.
So that this means every node has everything correct.
From my view, most of the information is unnecessary, and useless after any given time.
Things like HP or MP are important while in a fight, but the next day, none of that fight mattered.
(yes, death, loot, exp gained, weapons broken, are all important, but they are a tiny fraction of the data involved)
And, as a game gets older, the chain becomes extremely large, and replaying becomes a very hefty price.
and most of the information is useless.
So, i suggested having saved points, or just resetting things like HP and MP and/or leave them out of the block chain.
Yes, exactly, you are right.
Obviously "checkpoints" are the solution.
All you have to do is get the network to agree that this "save state" at at this point in time is valid... and then the network remains in consensus.
Idealism and Reality need to link up somewhere.
Even if one of these checkpoints was corrupt anyone could do a full replay to prove it.
Doesn't seem like a big deal.The thing about @dan is that he's an idealist so it makes sense that he would veto the idea.
Full replay is not sustainable at high transaction rates. In the case of eos snapshots are necessary if you don’t want to take months to replay.
So you serialize all the info in the database... hash it... come to consensus on the hashes... then you can seed one database with another and hash the serialized info to know it's correct? This is how I imagine it working I don't actually know things.