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RE: Relative Speed

I am not a flat-earther, but i am dead set against the ball-earther theories.
Too many holes in the ball-earth theory to believe it anymore.

So, am i a atheist-earther? a null-earther? a not-ball-earther?

Maybe a toroid-earther... that is probably closest

What say you?


Earth is a realm and flat.

This model also explains pole shift and climate change and moon phases.

There are a lot of things it doesn't explain.
Like, what about the people living on the other side of the earth... hollow earth stories exist in so many ancient stories.
Also, what is the firmament? What is the shape of that?

A strictly flat map does not allow you to sail your ship to any point. You still need to use great arcs.
So, there is something more.

There is so much more to know about our planet.

Yes. It’s a good start. If we use the compass we will end up lost and circle back to the same place.

Celestial navigation is required to reach the true north, which looks like half an earth (as we know it) worth of ocean to cover.

Underground is possible. DUMBS.

Wow you evolved

Holes? The Earth is an irregularly shaped ellipsoid. I just believe that this is matter closed by sciences centuries ago. The Math and Physics add up to that. Of course every theory even belief can be false if someone can prove it.

Yes, holes.

"matter closed by sciences" is a very UNscientific thing to say.
Thousands of supporting evidences... one disproof, still gone.

It is a story that you believe.
The story of "those old and stupid people used to believe the earth was flat"
"We are smarter than that"

That story is very unscientific.

Let us take one hole:
If the sun is 93 millions miles away, when the moon passes in between, why is their such a huge area of partial shadow?