The Most Important Thing To Embody To Become A Crypto Millionaire


So many people will get so very, very rich this crypto bull run, and many, many people will lose it all.

The biggest reasons why someone would lose it all:

  • No exit plan
  • Greed
  • Feelings of unworth

Start today, see yourself as having so much crypto wealth that you can do most anything that you really want. Except living like the Card-Ass-ians, because that is just a show for selling consumerism, and they get by in that show because the producers call up their friends to borrow things and places. It is fake, on top of fake, with some extra fake.

But, really think about what you would do when rich. Dream about what you can do with that money. Really ponder your life and what it will be like.

Think about more than just your life, think about what projects you would like to see done. If you were RICH, what things do you want to see in the world?

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No exit plan

This is weird, because one of the best things to do with lots of bitcoin is just hodl. Even all the way down. There will come a time when bitcoin is unobtanium. At least for a while, until the bitcoin starts being used.

However, bitcoin on the chain is not useful. It is not food, or housing, or transportation. It is only future potential.

Many other cryptos are going to disappear. Go to zero, or just become unuseful.

Imagine USDT when The US dollar goes into hyperinflation. Will USDT lose its peg? Or will it follow the dollar down?

XRP is one of the biggest examples of a thing that will make many people rich, and then makes those same people poor if they hold onto it for too long.

So, as we see huge pumps in our crypto bags, take some profit. Exchange some of that crypto for things you will need in your life. Like paying off your house, or buying that homestead you always wanted.

Paying for an off-grid solar array means never having to pay electric bills ever again. You will have power no matter how high the price of electricity goes, or how low the bear market sends your cryptos.

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You really only need so much money to live for the rest of your life in comfort.

If you continue to play the crypto casino you will inevitably lose it all.

The best example, and i will use it again is XRP. When it goes live, the dollar amount will go WAY up. When banks start putting money through XRP, its value will be sky high. But, XRP is not long for the world. The banks will collapse, and so will XRP with them. Or, it could happen that the banksters get really greedy and basically cut off the retail traded toekns from the bank traded tokens. Or Ripple goes full CBDC, and everyone jumps ship.

The main point is that XRP is a place to make a lot of money fast, but it is also a place where you could lose everything if you stay too long.

People on X are saying that XRP will go to $10,000 a token. But, what will that look like? That is a HUGE market cap. Basically, the entire banking system would then be inside Ripple. The higher XRP goes, the more the greedy will want control of it all, and your little hands will get squished.

On the other side, there are tons of small caps that may go huge, before rug pulls. You can make money off of these, but you have to get out while it is still going up. Not a moment after the peak. After the peak, the liquidity dries up. And the price goes away.

Really, think about how much you need. How much is enough to buy the life you want?

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Feelings of Unworth

This is probably the most insidious eater of money.

If you feel unworthy of being rich, money will run away from you.

You could have had a neo-liberal mother who said, repeatedly, "that money is the root of all evil", and now you feel uncomfortable talking about or having money.

You could have grown up in the projects where, if you were rich, you had to have stolen that money, or pimped for it, or sold drugs. You were not a good person if you had money.

You could have had a narcissistic/borderline/controlling parent that made you feel unworthy. You do not feel like you are worthy to get nice things. Not even your mother's attention. And when you feel unworthy, the universe will match that feeling and bring you more to show you that you are unworthy.

With all of these things, you need to get inside your subconscious and rewire the way you think. You need to learn about money, and how to manage it. And then you need to get deep into your emotions. Uncover the reasons for your feelings of unworth, and then rewrite how you perceive yourself.

This IS your life's work. And, your external life will play on repeat, bringing up the same type of situation over and over again until your resolve it. Working on yourself will pay the biggest dividends.

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Dream about your crypto wealth and the life you will have.

Make plans, and store your crypto like its value shifted a digit or two. Have multiple hardware wallets, or titanium plates, or other solid storage plans. Have ideas for what to do when someone physically breaks in to steal your crypto. Have something to give them to go away. And DO NOT tell anyone how much crypto you have.

The world is CHANGING. Do not rely on your past expectations for future happenings. Like, buying a Lambo is probably a bad idea. In that, there will be no good place to drive it, and it will attract a lot of bad attention as things get worse for the normies.

Really think about how you can live without a grocery store. Because that is one of the biggest pieces that is going to change. You will want to grow your own food. Unless you really like eating bugz. Even then, i would suggest you grow your own, the stuff in the store will be filled with parasites.

Now is a great time to work on these questions. This sorta limbo time before crypto REALLY crashes, and then REALLY takes off. Before you find yourself in a place where you have to make these big decisions

This is a time to rejoice, and be happy about your future.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Great advice! This is such an incredibly transitionary time that we're living through. We're lucky to be in this timeline. Pertaining to the greed aspect -- I think it's super important to ask yourself if the material things you're dreaming of will still be as important to you twenty years down the road. That question reframes everything. 99% of the time experiences outshine things. Do you really think this bull cycle is done?

I believe we haven't started the bull cycle in 2025.

A lot of faux rich, go and pay for bottle service. Just to look rich. That is the greed that really scares me.

"...eating bugz."

The future is now, old man.

What isn't widely known is that for 5 years only one company has the right to sell powdered bugs in the EU: Nutri'Earth. 4% of a product across all the product lines is a lot of product. It's also a lot of allergic reactions for those that have shellfish allergies, so we'll see how that shakes out of the hordes that are vax injured, which is where shellfish allergies come from.


The concerning thing to me is that it's a privately held company, and retail investors can't buy it. How anyone can be expected to believe that skulduggery won't result from that is a mystery to me.

Seems to me some of the best investments that people could make today are a wondermill and a still. Back in the day farmers made whiskey because it was able to be stored and retained it's value like bullion in markets that were so unreliable almost none of the structures we consider rock solid today were even possible. The Gallatin Whiskey Rebellion was never actually put down completely. I don't recommend falling for the pretense that some token or IOU will become as valuable as the GDP of Iowa, or smth. Application of reason seems plainly in short supply. Ordinary storage of valuable commodities can be nominally attained, although extraordinary storage mechanisms will be necessary to prevent seizures when the cadres start kicking down doors to strip gardeners of seed.

Starshield can't cope with the deliberate obfuscation that can make GPR ineffective, and limited bandwidth can be spent on stripping any one peasant garden, so plan accordingly - but don't dream of valuations in the clouds. Cloud cities are like Hindenbergs, and will go down in flames.
