The Real Estate Market in 2025

in LeoFinance3 months ago


More and more people are noticing that mortgage defaults are on the RISE!

Add that with the housing market was staying up only because inventory was really low.

The foreclosures coming will break the stalemate and the market will be going DOWN.

But, that is just the latest piece. Housing prices have already been going down in many markets. And even with cuts in prices, mortgage applications are WAY DOWN.

I don't believe that even the Great Trump will be able to save the real estate market. Even if Powell lowers the Fed Rate all the way down again, it probably wouldn't rekindle the market. Powell just lowered rates, and the 10 year bond rate went up.

So, things do not look good for the real estate market this year. And the longer term trend is WAY WAY DOWN.

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In 10 years…

There are so many forces against the housing market, that across the next 10 years, there will probably not be a real estate market.

  • Boomers will be moving out of their homes, to retirement homes or funeral homes. This will dump 25% of America's houses on the market.

  • COVAIDs and the next Scamdemic will see a lot of people "dying suddenly". The VAXXX is destroying people's bodies (continuing) and they will be dying off in droves soon. Over the next 10 years, i would say that at least 25% more houses will be empty.

  • Commerical real estate being turned into condos/apartments. They really shouldn't, but that won't stop them from trying. The buildings were not designed for housing, and the market will not be able to buy up all this new inventory.

  • The migrants will be making a run for the border. This will leave a wake of empty and tore-up houses.

  • The mortgage industry is going to die with the banks. We are going to see all the banks go bust (except maybe a handful, its just a matter of if they die in 2035 or 2036) Mortgages will be a thing of the past. So, people will only be paying what they can, in cash (or crypto)

  • The cities will not be a place to live. All that commercial real estate is empty because there are no jobs there. There are so many big stores closing that there will be more unrented commercial real estate, and even less jobs. Then the crime goes up, and the poverty goes up. And all that expensive suburban tract homes are going to be worthless.

All in all, there will be two empty homes for every person that wants a home, AT MINIMUM. And this means that there will be no real estate market. In 10 years, you will not be able to give away a suburban home.

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In 2025

We have passed the peak of the housing market. It is all down hill from here.

If you have a house you want to sell, put it on the market now, at a cut price, because that is the only way you are going to attract buyers. Be 1% better than other houses in your market, in price or amenities.

We are going into a recession/depression. Donald Trump was probably selected as president to oversee the bankruptcy of the corporation, The U.S. Meaning, that on top of the depression, we are going to have our lives all upturned. Everything we thought we knew, and relied on are going to break down.

And this will show in the housing market. With everything in Florida put up for auction as people can't afford the mortgage and the insurance; With everything in California going to the state, or a large corporation set up to run public housing. (Rent controls have that effect) We are not in Kansas any more Toto.

Their, the bankster's, intentions are to drive the house prices down, and then use Black Rock, or a subsidiaries to buy up all the houses. And then, everyone has to rent. ("You won't own anything")

The plan is to 2008 the market. And then, they will lower rates, at just the right time for the bankster's friends to buy up the market. The only thing they forgot is, this is not 2008. House prices are going to keep going down to zero.

During 2025 i believe we will see house prices ratchet down as sellers try to find buyers.

And, as cryptos really take off, and the FOMO kicks in, people will be selling everything they can to get crypto. This includes houses.

So, i see this year as a year of down, down, down for real estate prices.

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And All this happens while we are at war

The two trucks were not some "lone gunman". They were not two people who went crazy.

You see, a person who goes crazy, can't think straight. So, complex plans and lunatics do not mix. Rarely do they cross over. But, the FB-C-I-A want us to think so, so they can cover up their plans with incompetence.

There are so many pieces of these crimes that SHOUT, these were not carried out by one person. The times, the places, the booms, the photographs, the media stories all say this was an operation.

And these operations will not stop. All these people were pushed across the border for a reason. We literally have a secret army inside our borders.

They will be used to do catastrophic things all over America. And some will go too far, and be shown to absolutely be immigrants. And then, the real army, the American populous will take up arms and run them out of town. I am unsure what The US military will do.

This will be the back drop of the housing market crash. So, basically, the real estate market will take a back seat to more immediate problems. And so, we wont see a bottom, and then a reinflation of the housing bubble, we will probably see a dead cat bounce, as housing prices continue down throughout 2025.

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The biggest thing i haven't discussed in this post is the real reason cities, and their suburban housing, are toast.

The Great Migration

We will be moving to be with like minded people. We are going to find our tribe members and move to be with them. And it will probably not be inside cities. (Although there will be some that just buy up a whole apartment complex, or motel)

Along with this movement, we have two other huge things. The availability of good food becomes tops in people's minds, and small, community sized continuous, non-polluting power generation becomes available. So, why would they build their community in a city? There is lots of land out there that is great for farming. Lots of empty land.

The single family house, along with the nuclear family, are experiments that have failed and are done. And we will call it the greatest misallocation of resources in the history of the world.


We will be building, large, multi-family, multi-generational living/working structures. Right next door to large greenhouses, with hail shields. Things will be very different in a decade or two.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


I see so many people having health issues from taking the clot shot. I have one friend who unfortunately is a semi retarded individual with a master's degree. He continually doubled down on the clot shot and won't admit the whole thing was a scam. He has been having all kinds of issues where he wakes up with his heart all messed up and his arms will be real numb and not have proper circulation. He is convinced it is some mold situation but I'm 99.98% certain it is from the vaxxxx. People are dealing with all these issues and I don't see it getting better.

The money to the illegals that was to get them posted up to influence the vote will run dry and they will become very desperate. Most won't have enough money to get out of here and the damage is already done. Likely the new administration will focus on criminals and stopping the flow.

Now we have all these sleeper agents out there that want to cause a huge problem.

I think a lot of these issues are going to make the United States a very weird place to be over the next 10 years. Someone would really have to choose wisely when it comes to real estate investments and where to try to do anything.

All i can really say is, do not become a landlord in a warzone. (i'm looking at you SF)

I have no idea what Trump/Musk is going to do. I do know that good ole boys are going to get the migrants to high tail it out of here.

Trump may do the best thing for the economy, on accident. Fire half of govern-cement.

We are going to have to go through a lot of pain before everything would maybe get better potentially. If they flush out a lot of the Gubment sludge and execute these murders and child predators that came here illegally we could really change things up.

I couldnt agree more, I just bought a 5 acre farm close to a big farming community. As soon as i can sell my house that we reside in we will be moving.

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Good good, my plan is coming together. (rubs hands gleefully)

Really, this is great news. And i hope it works well for you.