My journey into the world of the write2earn and play2earn side of crypto have been relatively short but most illuminating and certainly very rewarding - knowledge and financial wise.
When I started out, there wasn't really any concrete long term plans or goals for that matter. The only operational plan was to, write, earn and liquify.
This is partly because I had little to no knowledge about Defi tools (staking & Farming) and because the platform I started out at ( encouraged writers to withdraw their funds as their safety wasn't guaranteed, given there were no keys or any wallet security.
So I basically just wrote, earned, liquified and just stacked fiat (when situations let me stack them).
Hive Changed The Hustle For Me
I stumbled upon the Hive Ecosystem through another writer's blog post on Publish0x, and since I wanted to spread my tentacles and earn more, I signed up and cross-posted from the platforms I was already writing on.
My first few posts on were a relative success but unlike which rewarded writers with BCH, I found Leo/Hive a bit more complicated to liquefy and withdraw.
Don't blame me, I didn't know about Leodex at the time. I even made a post requesting assistance on how I could withdraw my earnings. Well, nobody seemed to give a damn.
The difficulties I encountered in withdrawing my earnings on Leofinance turned out to be a blessing in disguise. While still exploring how to withdraw those Leo tokens staring at me every day, I stumbled upon several posts about earning weekly passive income through curation and token delegation and I adjusted my view on my persistent need for withdrawal.
After I read @uyobong post on his weekly curation rewards, I knew I had stumbled upon something. I know he has been around the Hive ecosystem for 3+ years and I am barely 7 months old on the platform but I understand the power of hard work and consistency.
The thought of building something on the internet that would sustain me off it appealed to me more than anything else. Especially the fact that it could serve both as a job and a pastime.
@uyobong is passionate about the Sports token on the Hive blockchain, where I think he gets most of his curation earnings from, and doesn't miss the chance to shill it. Since I myself am a football person, I jumped onto the opportunity to write football-related posts, earn and power up, with the view of building a reasonable SPORTS stake for my own curation rewards too.
My growth so far has been slow, but it is expected and I am not fazed because I have my focus locked on the long term. So, there has not been a cash(crypto) flight out of Hive for me. In fact, I pull my resources from other platforms into my Hive investments every now and then. Everything I earn goes back into my stakes, especially Hive and Sports.
My ultimate plan is to be able to not just survive but blossom solely from my earnings on Hive. I am talking about being able to travel around the world on a whim.
Splinterlands Provided Me with Another Platform To Build Upon.
Someone was of the opinion that if SPS and the price of DEC keeps shooting up, then we might have on our hands soon a lot of professional Splinterlands gamers.
Since I started playing Splinterlands approximately one month now, I have been able to grow in the game and have grown my game assets to close to $100. Quite commendable I would say, for someone who barely knew jack about the game a month ago.
The craze about Splinterlands isn't just the rush for the SPS airdrop, a lot of people, especially the early adopters have seen the investment opportunities lying therein within the game. I mean the prices of cards have gone to crazy heights and the price of 1000 DEC originally pegged at $1 is almost $5 now and the sky is the limit.
My plan for Splinterlands is to grow my assets to at least up to a thousand dollars or more within 4 months and if the price of DEC remains as it is or keeps going up, then I will dissolve and move some to my SPORTS stakes.
Card Renting is and would still be the ultimate side income earning machine on Splinterlands, I also plan to utilize that as well, but I would have to have grown a much reasonable deck first.
My project is still in its infancy but at least I am underway and so far, haven't bought a single crypto token with money out of my pocket. Everything I currently own has been generated online, and this is the beauty of the Crypto and the Hive Ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very nice! Cryptocurrencies are really helping out everyone around the world, especially those from the poorer countries. I'm on the same boat as you, didn't invest a single penny out of my pocket. Used to do surveys after the 2018 crash, then found about Leofinance way later.
Keep grinding!
Thanks bro.
I am here now and I would keep grinding my financial status changes for the better
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta