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RE: Trump: No taxes for those earning less than $150,000

in LeoFinance2 days ago

It could work, but it would mean taxing more wealth and corporation. Which i dont see happening…so id say looking behind trumps words is perhaps more important. Why does he say this, what is gained by saying it. If you look at trump or any politician, you often have things said but not done. So more important is often asking the question why was that said. What is gained by simply speaking the words?


Why? Because all the Trump-Fan-Boys will say: Trump is our man.
And if it will not happen, then all the other bad boys are guilty.
It is so sad, that so many people do not realize how he ist betraying them.

Yes, in this case id agree that he says this to counteract diminishing public approval and rouse his fan base and low income support.

Is there another president who achieved anything similar?


Republican Herbert Hoover, 1929. Also known as the Great Depression. Much worse, relative to the size of the market then.

Republican George W. Bush, 2007-2008. Also known as the Financial Crisis of 2008, or, the Great Recession.

Really in 2 month after the inauguration?

He was also president from 2016-2020, and has been a known character in the United States for at least 30 years. I say again: he is someone who knows how to put on a show, but like Leni Riefenstahl and her propaganda, if his mouth is moving, he is lying.