Yes, if money is awarded,,, an obligation to show and tell about whatever the money was given for…seems pretty straight forward.
Value Plan shouldn’t need to chase these posts/reports
But if not given, it should mean automatically disqualified for any future money allocation.
We can debate over the efficacy of whatever project and whether hive sees real benefit, but most alarming is just money sent and no follow through after, but most alarming is just money sent and no follow through after, but most alarming is just money sent and no follow through after.
I guess I would like to think that anyone who received money would be proud to demonstrate what was accomplished for hive with the funds.
Andndnd yes, I’m aware that in many cases this documenting took place.
A very easy and effective way could be way A way A to have a specific tag used for any of these posts. So any hivian can easily find and read.
For me it’s all about spotting weaknesses/mistakes… acknowledging, learning and creating improved iterations moving forward.
Exactly when you use money from VP you suppose to be proud of it and show around what you achieve, posting things left, right and centre. The idea of tag system it would be pretty efficient to have it where community can follow the projects so as an example :
Project :
Community Wells - Tag : CummunityWellsVP
Hive Talk Project - Tag : HiveTalkProjectVP
Gym Street Workout - Tag : GymStreetWorkoutVP
With this there would be so much clarity.
When the guy is fixing his bike it would be nice to have :
Road Bike Racing - TAG : Post - RoadBikeRacingVP
Put at least some effort to say, what happened what competition he broke his bike, what place he had, show maybe some photos from the repair shop - I don't know but writing a post once a month it shouldn't be a big deal.
Whoever is taking any significant amount of money should be obligated give the updates to the community.
Taking 5k for project in Ghana which is equivalent of 5 years - 8 years of single labour worker in Ghana require some update, simple as that.
I like the idea of individual project tags as you say. Though I’d love to see 1 generic tag as well.
Like #vpfollowup or #vpacheived
Maybe #vpfundpost
1 tag to just go see all the good things happening.