For me, inleo is the best place because I gives me the authority of ownership. When it comes to my activities like the shorts and threads, even to the blog post, inleo/ the Blockchain has given me the ownership authority.
inLeo gave me to authority to build the #leoentertainment threadcast were we enjoying ourselves and get entertainment with different activities.
It's a great privilege to be a Lion!!!
Last but not the least, inleo rewards you for all your activities even from the first day you make your introductory thread.
It don't call for monetization of your account before you can get cool rewards for your activities.
Only what you need to do is, for you to be consistent in your activities. Engagement will help you to grow your reputation very fast.
Thanks @leo.tasks
Thanks for sharing your experience! I love how you emphasize the importance of ownership and autonomy that the platform offers. The #leoentertainment threadcast is a great example of how the community can create fun and engaging content.
Oh yes 😊😊😊, I do enjoy all the activities I have been running on the leothreads, that are pretty cool.. I do tell my friends,
Run your activities, don't set your eyes on the rewards because if you do, you may be disappointed when the rewards don't come the way you expect them.
So do you activities and the rewards will come on its own as long as you are consistent with what you are doing
I completely agree with you about the rewards on InLeo. The platform really values the contribution and participation of its users, and doesn't require monetization to receive rewards.
That's very correct 😊😊...