
LEts get down on it friends.

This movie na one in town...

What an explosion 💥💥💥🥶🥶🥶

What is going on...

where are they heading to?

There is a state of emergency 👀👀

I think they've seen some steps of aliens 👀👀.

Rock is in this movie

Rock is a taxi driver in this movie...

@taskmaster4450le didn't see this coming..

Nope. I am always caught off guard. Also caught with my pants down. LOL

More than 50 comments on the movie 🍿🍿🍿🍿.

Did you like the #leoai call?

I love her. LolThe #leoai, she is a pretty lady 😍😍😍😍..

I hope we get some cool image generation with it.

We will 👍👍.

they are tracking the vehicle..

Unknowingly to them that Rock is the driver..

THe are chasing the kids because they have some information about their undercover activities

The king has magic

Thats dangerous 🥶🥶🥶.

The kids are really magical 😄😍😄

A big alien is after them

This is a dreadful battle

THe UFO is after them..

THe ufo is used in chasing them

Thats no funny at all.

The aliens are everywhere

They got one hour to get what ever there need..

JAck is with some dudes

The other guy is unavailable

THey are giving Jack 5 minutes to walk away and live the kids so that they can capture them. But he is not doing it.

THey gat no option than to run for their lives...

There are eyes in the sky 👁️☀️🌟

WHat a rugged looking taxi!

THere are talking about the alien stuff

Now she wants to know who they are because she'v seen signs..

You can use wormholes as a short cut to space..

Its a matter of life and death

You are smarter than you think.

They are close

LEts buy more time

The aliens are very powerful

Although the bad guys are chasing them together with Jack

They're in another transport service.

Rock said,

Lets rock and roll 🥰🥰🥰

The government are hiding something...

This is 👁️👁️👁️👁️.

SHe is right behind him

The Government agents has taken the aliens and Jack is going after them to rescue them.

They've entered the facility

THey are under cover 🤣🤣, disguising them self as one of the scientist 🥼🥼

That's a sucide mission

First time Jack entered the uFO

Time for the lions Den 🥂🥂🥂🥂