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RE: Zero tax on tech companies in El Salvador: breaking down the law

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I envy you living in an interesting country; there are so few of them! Thanks for the article.

How do the politics resonate with El Salvador's people? Do the politics have a positive impact on the lives and the happiness of many?


Hey @captainklaus , thanks a lot for your comment, and nice to Hive you here 😃.

To your question: absolutely. It's usual to mention here the "3%" of people who oppose the current government's orientations - mostly upper class families who had close ties and businesses in the previous bipartisan system - and it reflects the fact that the immense majority approves most of the political measures that have been adopted for the last 3 years.

The most spectacular is probably the shift from being a country known for its assassinations rate (for decades, around 10 per day, in a country with less inhabitants than Massachusets) to the current situation: the safest place in America. That point only now allows small shops and street sellers to not have to pay any rackett "tax" anymore, nor to consider if they can work in a particular geographic sector plagued with organized crime.

The "average citizen" is now living in another country, without having had to emigrate 🙃.

That sounds really good for El Salvador!
But those poor rich 3% :(

Yes, hehe.

If they can't stand the flavor of a freed society, they'll always find many countries where to settle down and mingle with the powers that be, even among our neighbors 😄.

They would fit right in here in good ol' corrupt Austria...

Lol. When listening to most of the "Western" documentaries dedicated to El Salvador that have been released in the last 2 years, like the "Deutsche Welle" or the "VICE" ones, I got almost the certainty that all E.U. countries - except maybe for Hungary - would provide members of our past self-proclaimed elite with a "political refugee" status 😂.