Bitcoin Babaji Podcast S1:Ep3 10Jan24

in LeoFinance9 months ago
Authored by @Julian Horack

by @julianhorack on Bitcoin Babaji
View my bio on CastGarden: Bitcoin Babaji Podcast S1:Ep3 10Jan24

In today's podcast I discuss the Bitcoin ETF which has just been approved in the past few hours.

This is the moment the Bitcoin and blockchain Industry has been awaiting. Now that the official regulators have approved this one ETF we are likely to see more approvals as other huge financial institutions get on board and invest there billions of dollars into Bitcoin.

This is positive or bullish news for the entire cryptocurrency market and blockchain Industry. And this is a very positive time in the 15 years of blockchain technology. We have a convergence of many positive trends.

Add to the approval by government regulators of this ETF the fact that we are now approaching the Bitcoin halving, which takes place every four years as written into the code by the anonymous inventor of Bitcoin namely satoshi nakamoto.

These positive trends that are aligning now will certainly push Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency sector to the next ATH (all time high) in value. We have about 18 months of bullish uptrend in price to look forward to.

As I report from the remote forests on the southernmost shore of the African continent, I live as a sovereign entity, off the grid and outside of state control. Indeed I am a kingdom unto myself. Thanks to blockchain technology and Bitcoin I can operate outside of government or Central Bank control.

I am able to source my own power to run all the tech and I need in this one small smartphone connected to the internet.

I am not dependent on the government for my power. Nor am I dependent on the Central Bank to perform any transactions of trade or exchange. I can do all of this independently in a decentralized manner using blockchain technology.

These are indeed empowering and exciting times for those of us who wish to live as independent sovereign actors. Whether you are a libertarian or practice agora or are an anarchist, then certainly you are able to live outside of the control of centralized government and Banks.

It is ironic that big government and big banking are actually more like obstacles in the path of our God-given freedom. They act as oppressors and tyrants and therefore we choose to circumvent them by using blockchain technology for not only independent trade and exchange but also for independent Media which is uncensored and able to act as the true pirate radio station of old.

Image pixabay edited on my mobile device.

Check out today’s podcast..!


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