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RE: No-trade failures and approaching a million

in LeoFinance4 years ago

What if Elon bought a shit ton of Doge to hold a huge bag that he could pump? What if he did this to increase the value and show folks the potential with crypto? What if he has no intentions of selling and was using this to give the less fortunate a jump start into the crypto realm? Then.... ENTER THE BITCOIN!

I know it's a lot of what ifs... but if that's not his strategy... there is going to be a lot of people getting wrecked from DOGE if they don't take their gains. Either way.... the moon was shortsighted now that we know the aim is to Mars and Beyond! Dealing with the influx of volume and mass adoption will be a great problem to have!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think he likes toying around with these things. I assume he already knows it is going to be mass adopted and is in no real rush for it to happen for the money of it. He would more likely be interested in the possibility of it for his application. For example, he should really print a token that incentivizes driving a tesla - a token for energy savings on his Solar gneration etc - would be huge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This gives me ideas. Or makes some ideas that were already there clearer. Or makes something in my head-universe easier to understand. I'm not sure which. But you helped XD

@ryivhnn Taraz is good and making people think. Now, if we could only get Elon to read his blog... hahahaha