the security around this kinds of funds is still far from what it should be, this could expand into a bad scheme if this large amount of money falls into the hands of extremely bad people
Yeah, fuck the FBI, lol! I will not be a willing participant in censorship. I do not condone the crime, but I also do not condone censorship of what are supposed to be free and open blockchains. Hacker should have gone all into Monero from the getgo and they couldn't do a damn thing about it.
the security around this kinds of funds is still far from what it should be, this could expand into a bad scheme if this large amount of money falls into the hands of extremely bad people
Yeah, fuck the FBI, lol! I will not be a willing participant in censorship. I do not condone the crime, but I also do not condone censorship of what are supposed to be free and open blockchains. Hacker should have gone all into Monero from the getgo and they couldn't do a damn thing about it.
Yeah I dont know what to think about this. Its so much money that will be used to fund a very dangerous state.
the biggest crypto theft in history...
1.5 billion of funds lost, amazing.