your posts are so next level. I think I made some pennies and they are all still in the system somewhere. I don't really know how to take profits. I claim 1 poly at a time out of the pleo-wmatic farm, take the fee and then stake to xpoly. Seems like the right thing to do in theory but I don't know the theory lol.
I always learn something from your posts, mostly that you have guts, do your thing and come out ahead. Not always how you plan it but you are in the game and think logically about it. You'll do even better on the next one regardless if changes are made. You have mad skill. I hope to slowly get there. I have high hopes for me but low expectations lol.
One of the best things about hive is that when you see people trying to learn, you support them a long the way. Where else but hive would you see this with money on the line.
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