Jobs Are A Measurement Of Your Countries Failure

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hey Jessiemployees

We're all told that we need to grow up and become productive members of society, go out and create jobs and wealth for society, and in return, we get to keep a piece of that production in the form of money. I also believed this narrative for many years; I thought it to be true simply due to the law that everyone is doing it, so it must be true.

The truth is all jobs are, is a broken way for governments to inject their cancerous currencies into society and making you feel as if it's worth something. They borrow money into existence, and you provide the proof of work to get some of that action.


We need more jobs

This is why governments are always so desperate to get the job numbers up; without more jobs, they can't force more of their currency onto you, they can't make you more dependant on their currency, and they don't have a bigger tax base to exploit and steal your time and value.

The desperation for jobs has also caused an avalanche of bullshit jobs and misallocation of resources. I can't tell you how many assholes I run into every day that have no idea that what they do for a living is completely useless, all because they get a fat paycheque for it.

The jobs value isn't in what you do, what you learn, what you contribute to society, but how many 0's are dumped into your bank account if you show up for 22 days a month.

We don't need jobs; we need passion to be rewarded

Your countries job count isn't a measure of success; it's a measure of slavery; it's a measure of dependency on the government.

What we should be measuring is

  • how few hours someone needs to work to have a good living,
  • how good the quality of life is
  • how good a store of savings people have
  • how productive and efficient business is
  • how low the debt levels are so we don't need to pull productivity from the future to survive
  • how equal society is
  • how low corruption is
  • how competitive businesses markets are

These are measurements that show the success of a country. I always thought that leaving South Africa was the thing I needed to do to thrive; I always thought it was too hard here.

I still do, but what I've realised is no matter where I go, if I don't have resources, I am just another unless dick dependant on the state.

Forget nation-states; focus on economies of scale

The fact is the state needs to take a back seat, the same way the church had to after they were disrupted by the printing press and the wealth of alternative thinkers. The state will go the same way as private money takes back power away from them.

I've already made it known I don't care too much for shitcoins or digital assets; I think they're a load of bull. However, I do see why they exist; they are there to compete with fiat, which has been so horrible; I mean, you'd rather hold a shitcoin than many of the fiat currencies around the world today; that's the unfortunate truth.

The fiat system's so broken that we have so many make-believe jobs, make-believe money and fragile egos.

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So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, "I am a Jessie."

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I can't even work in Nigeria as it is. Horrible bosses, shitty salary, insecurity and everything else. Nah, fuck that. Fuck the system. Fuck the government. Fuck Africa. Fuck the World. Fuck you. Fuck Me. Fuck everything.

I can fully understand why you feel that way I feel like it too, I do realise I’m one of the more luckier ones in Africa and you know how Africans are like don’t complain you have running water we didn’t have that and I’m like no that’s bullshit man stop having no expectations for your life

It’s just another excuse to avoid dealing with the main problem that we were sold out long ago and paying someone else’s bills

That’s why I’m so hard core on Bitcoin it’s the only thing I can own that’s a real fuck you

Bitcoin is fuck you money

I had a full on discussion with my boss about this yesterday who does NOT see it that way at all.
I completely COMPLETELY agree with you and this is why I am on the road to creating my own income online (passive and active) so that I can have the high quality of life and freedom that I am looking for.

ps. What is all this Jessie stuff? Care to explain? :P

They won't see it because they are financially aligned to it, if you get money from something you never going to say it's not worthwhile, look at all these shitcoins its a great example of how people will gravitate to anything when there's a reward even if that thing is rubbish.

I think its not only about creating your own income but what you do with that income, like is it giving you a better life, no sense in getting more money and being miserable lol money is a lifestyle token

It's just me being facetious, all crypto claim to have a community and give it a random name like Bitcoiner so I'm just making up my own thing to show how arbitrary this tribalism is lol

You're right. I realized that aswell whilst we had our talk. He is profiting from the system.
You have your own mind don't you? I like it!

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"Your countries job count isn't a measure of success; it's a measure of slavery; it's a measure of dependency on the government."

What an interesting perspective about the job market.

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Well it's not all jobs if you create your own job that's different, but there are way too many jobs that are only there because we need to distribute fiat and no other reason which is silly and a system that's breaking

I agree, you do have to have a bit of ambition and drive no matter where you go. It does sound like SA is a pretty harsh place. From what I have heard from you and other people whom I trust. It probably doesn't help that many of the systems there are so corrupt and stacked against the general public.

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Absolutely no country or economy is going to hand you freebies all the time perhaps some do to an extent but at what cost?

I think the idea of jobs needs to change and the way to sell our time and creativity and value

I do hope that we find a solution or this will decay into war

I've been working at a job in the public sector for years. Although it doesn't pay great compared to the private sector the hours are flexible and the freedom I have is great. That's the main reason I stay. I think more jobs need to be like that.

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Some jobs are important. Some jobs are utterly pointless and contribute nothing whatsoever to society as a whole.

I agree that governments are just trying to shove their fiat bullshit down our throats. IMHO the world would function a lot better with no governments whatsoever. South Africa has incredible natural resources and could easily be one of the wealthiest nations in the world, but our corrupt politicians have been screwing it up for the rest of us for the last 100 years or more.

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Exactly and with fiat money the value of those resources can be migrated to people who NEVER got involved in the value creation in the first place

I agree with other stuff but I could not understand how a private money can solve the issues you mentioned above.
People will go for a job not for Fiat but for crypto or whatever private currency would exist.
How will this help us build “equal society”
I am simply not able to correlate these unless I am missing something here.

I am not saying it will solve things instantly, but it will start to bring price signals back into the market, as those earning Bitcoin will benefit the most people will opt to work for Bitcoin, products would be priced in Bitcoin, and because supply is inelastic, it drives up velocity and efficient use of the currency

If there is no debasement, people can work and know there money is not taken from them as it is now, they'll have savings to go take risk, build businesses or take leisure time off that supports other businesses.

I know its hard to imagine living in a world of debasement, even for me going down this rabbithole its a struggle

Crypto doesn't solve much other than gambling in my opinion.

Some jobs are necessary but most can probably be replaced as automation goes on. I personally think its a necessary evil right now otherwise who would be fixing some of the most nasty issues such as cleaning out issues in the sewage system. Over time though as we get machines to replace it then the jobs can go away.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I'm not saying all jobs will be removed now but with time it will and on a reality like that many of us can't rely on the idea we will work till a pensionable age

We will need to find other ways or storing value and making money that won't involve the skills we acquired initially

But this jobs is the heart of the economy is nonsense

Indeed, look at unemployment in some "failed states" such as Venezuela for example.

People need to be occupy in order to give their full potential.

N.B. I have been downvoted by curangel for a reason I ignore. Without warning, etc...
Maybe you will reconsider following their downvote trail as they clearly abuse it.



Lol South Africa isn't too far behind, we have well over 30% unemployed and the government is actively trying to create jobs and the more they do it the more they kill price signals it's sad to watch it all go down

I don't really get into the politics of HIve, I am going to be honest with you

I don't really get into politics either hehe. They just downvoted me for whatever reason that I ignore.

In some way you do because you follow their downvote trail with a 1.74% downvote 😉

So all the people your countries military kills is your fault too because you pay taxes?

No, you do not actively decide to spend your tax money on the war.
By following the trail you are actively participating in their actions.
It is more like you enrolling in your country’s army ;).

Paying taxes would be following the curation trail not the downvoting one.

Doing a job without gaining enough from it is just like doing a marathon race for fun without reward. Job that will fetch more money is what should be done now

I think that's a statement indicative of how price signals have been messed up via money printing, there are many jobs especially government ones that pay a lot of money and are useless and absolute bullshit a waste of time, resources and creativity but because there's no way to punish wasting of money in a fiat system where you can print more, you only encourage more misallocation of resources