Please Check Your Shitcoiner Privilege

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hey Jesshitcoiners

The need for green dildos in a world of fragile egos, misinformation is strong. I've made peace with the fact that people want to shitcoin; I get it. I shitcoined too; we ALL have to shitcoin to understand the difference between Bitcoin and these other vaporware blockchains.

I think it's safe to say the vast majority of shitcoin ownership comes from the developed world. They have the privilege of stimmy cheques and low inflation due to the way the monetary policies of the world are set up.

Speculating on shitcoins is a privilege, one I can scarce afford; I cannot afford for my purchasing power to be ripped from me at 90% drawdowns when the tide goes out. I am in Bitcoin to protect what I have from this banana republic money I am forced to earn.

I am trading my Rands for what I think is a better store of value in Bitcoin.


Shitcoining is not for the poor

Now, if part of that 13% of the world where your dollar, Euro, CAD, AUD still holds up each year and you're used to low inflation, you may not see the value in Bitcoin. I totally get that; things that go up 20% in a month is more attractive, it gives you that dopamine hit, and you can always fall back into your local currency when you're done gambling.

The rest of us don't have that privilege; we're fleeing our currencies like financial refugees and finding solitude in Bitcoin. Taking any more risk than that is pure madness and greed, something I see people who can scarcely afford it fall for as these coins continue to pump.

I see people putting their last few cents into shitcoin projects hoping for a moon shot, not understanding the difference between it and Bitcoin.

They've been sold on the hype by those in developed nations who are having fun, getting paid to shill and gamble in these unregulated markets.

Work hard and save up

Shitcoining is a privileged one I cannot afford; all I want to do is work hard and save and know when I come back to it and need those savings, they will be there untouched; this is what Bitcoin gives us.

Like Justin brought sexy back, Bitcoin is bringing savings back. As we move into an equity-based system and reducing the dependency on debt and worse unsecured debt system, you'll see how unprofitable tech really is; if something is driving deflation, it's actually making cost absolute and so too profits.

I know it sounds weird, and you'll need some imagination to wrap your head around it, but if Bitcoin does what it's showing it will do over the next few years, all this bullshit and noise will slowly quiet down as it dies off when it never fulfils its promises.

If Bitcoin fails, do you really think anything below it will take its place and be more robust? Bitcoin is our best shot at achieving sound money and with it comes countless benefits that shitcoins can never bring us.

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it, my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, "I am a Jessie."

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh this phrase totally makes this article catchy
Like Justin brought sexy back, Bitcoin is bringing savings back.

Haha, I wonder if there will ever be a coin with a turd as a logo lol😂😂

lol I will be ranting and raving about Bitcoin but it seems no one cares or understands! Sometimes I feel like a nutter but hey it’s all on chain for anyone to see, let’s see how it ages in 10 years

Wonder no more, it’s available on Uniswap on Ethereum the land of shitcoins -

Lol no way😂😂it actually exists. Ans some folks liked it and shared it😂I am left speechless

Lol well nothing surprises me anymore, look at how people are losing their minds about Cum rocket just because Elon Tweets about it

😂😂😂😂Bring on the cummies

Lol I thought I saw it all in the last bull run but this one they really pushing the memes and scams


Clearly you have some kind of investment in Hive as well which a lot of people would probably consider a crap coin. :) I know you like your BTC though. I like it too. I think you are spot on about certain people having more opportunity to speculate in alts than other people. My wife and I both have good jobs, that pay decent so crypto is more of a hobby versus something we are relying on. I know it isn't that way for many people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I have hive but I haven’t sold it it’s all powered up I don’t really care too much about the price! I care about the service I’m using here, I like to blog and this is a cool place to blog and I learn a lot other than that I couldn’t be arsed about the price of the token

Maybe it still makes me a shitcoiner to collect them but I’m really not tied to it going up or down

That’s a wonderful position to be in, I’m kind of there not really since I’m a freelancer I never know what my salary will be and I just sort of make it work

Crypto is definately a hobby but Bitcoin I take it seriously

I have never powered down either and anything I sell I always keep on chain with a different Hive token like LEO etc. Again, much of that can be attributed to the fact that I don't need my Hive to pay my bills.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of the biggest advantage of investing in bitcoin is the truest. Even it goes down it will rise again. We have seen this in the past. It may not bounce back immediately but it will eventually. But with shit coins it’s a hit or miss, and even if it’s a hit we don’t know for how long. The moment a big name pulls out money, shit coin will be worth nothing.
I don’t mind investing in other coins if they have a good product and roadmap. But I won’t just invest my hard earned money thinking I might get a shot.

Yeah if you want to make bets I get that, throw a few bucks here and there but I see people going all in on doge or trading shitcoins on leverage or buying rug pull coins and it's crazy to see how much money is being lost

I think Bitcoin gives me enough return that I don't need to look elsewhere

Well I don't think anything will be safe if BTC falls. It was kind of proven when we had that large cut in BTC price and I still think it functions more or less the overall situation in crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If they wanted to take out crypto they could dismantle all the alt coins pretty easily they're not a threat to anyone in fact most of them are VC funded and owned!

I only have what most would consider shit coins. I haven't invested a cent in BITCOIN nor do I own any.

That’s your bet mate, I’m not too bothered what other people want to place their bets on or gamble that’s up to them!

I'm mostly betting on Splinterlands. I don't have much invested in crypto. My biggest investment is time.

Once I eventually sell a portion of my Splinterlands collection I might move those funds to BTC. With the recent Splinterlands announced airdrop that is going to take 12 months to conclude, there's still plenty of time for me to decide. It'll be interesting to see what the SPS token will be worth.

Yeah I get that, and if your in a position where crypto is just a hobby that's great but for me here in África I need Bitcoin

If I didn't own it I'd be obliterated and losing all my purchasing power so to me I have a motivation and a bias to own it

I think we have a big privilege holding hive. The amount of communities, tribes and tokens, applications and other great developements and opportunities we have here are really huge. I'm sure when most people will know about it, a lot will be invested here in both hive and tribes. The future will be great for us !

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I think the privilege comes from the fact that you're diluting the investable pool through a percentage of labour and not having to hand over cash to acquire the token. While buyers and sellers set the market, the value is actually split up through the inflation creation.

I don't know if this is an effective way to divvy up influence and purchasing power but I do watch it closely. I am honestly not too concerned about the token, it's not my interest, if Hive removed the token I think it would be even better.

The tech of distributing text is what I am interested in. I would have loved to see someone try to do it without a native token and using Satoshis instead