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RE: Living Off Your Yield Instead Of Your Principle

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Lol dude, it's as if we living the same life, if I'm totally honest with you, I have bags in BTC and other crypto, I keep buying every day so you not going to see me wearing anything fancy, driving just my normal VW, I'm not going on fancy trips or posting anything on social. People think I'm "failing" yet I've been doing this for 5 years. My parents also ask me just sell and then "start your life" and get a good job, you have a degree and time you still young and I'm like fuck that

No shade, but I like to follow people who have the results I want, my parents don't have those results so why should I listen? My peers don't have those results so why should I listen? If I want to be stuck in a dead-end job, overweight, paying off a home and having fuck all for myself, then sure ill run to them for advice because clearly, they are the experts

The way I see it is if this doesn't pay off, or I fuck it up then I know whats waiting for me work and being a life simp for paper with dead presidents on it. Or I can try this out and have a 50/50 shot at something I really want. I say its worth it


This is wisdom:

No shade, but I like to follow people who have the results I want, my parents don't have those results so why should I listen? My peers don't have those results so why should I listen? If I want to be stuck in a dead-end job, overweight, paying off a home and having fuck all for myself, then sure ill run to them for advice because clearly, they are the experts


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have more than a 50/50 shot. You are there already. You are like me just savagely stacking coins and tokens people didn't even think would be worth anything. Now as the bull market heats up we have the knowledge to execute strategies that will hedge our risk and keep us rolling perpetually. Now that more bridges are being created and more DeFi offerings we can employ multiple strategies to keep stacking.
The road hasn't been easy that is for sure.
My sister who works for General Motors was basically telling her co-workers she doesn't even know what I do......that I just play on the computer all day. That was a couple of years ago. She made it sound like I was a grown ass man baby to those walking heart attacks at the office. As I type this it is 4:30 am here. Just have to keep researching and coast into the promise land.

I wonder what the blow-off top will be and if I can capture enough returns to prepare myself for the bear market and then use that to go back into DE-FI and CE-FI and just keep that machine going. I am about 56% crypto right now so I'd say I am banking big on this trend compared to the last bull run where I was probably 2% in.

Lol the way I see it is "the nail that stands out always gets hammered". I've accepted that what I am trying to do here feels like a threat to others way of living, and understanding of the world and the way money works.

No one wants to be told what they rewarded in each month is worthless, they'll deny it until they have to take a wheelbarrow of cash to by bread or it's more economical to burn notes to make a fire than it is to spend it. I can't say that a future for the US but it damn sure is a big possibility here.

I don't want to be wealthy in South African terms, I don't want to be wealthy in US terms I want to own a considerable amount of a global network. To me this is like a new country forming and we're the first citizens, bringing with it our labour and value and trying to build new things that will bring in new citizens with more skills and more value in the future

All profitability will work its way to zero but this last bear market was slightly more manageable than 2015 so the severity could become less brutal and I think we can keep stacking .....etc.

I think most countries will keep printing and the ones with relative strength will still be ahead of the ones who have a Zimbabwe level currency collapse. I think the US will have like 10% inflation / year type of a thing.

It is hard to say though.