These changes don't address the principal issue which is this is a ponzi system, Sky Mavis are only trying to drip out liquidity slowly so they can try and make up for the Ronin hack and try to wait it out, this project is doomed to fail
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They do exactly that... There is no more incentive to rush into the game and drop all your earnings on top of the next person. In order to earn decent rewards, you have to be quite good at the game and spend a good amount of what you earn. On top of that, they're always improving the game to a point where it is actually a decent game now. No more playing brain dead adventure mode just to farm rewards, now you have to enjoy the game and be competitive.
All of this to say axie infinity is no longer about milking as much as possible as fast as possible. It is about the game now and making it enjoyable and sustainable, just like it should have been from day 1 but they fucked that up.
All games die eventually so you're right... I just hope that sky mavis learned from this experience and apply that knowledge to the next project.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You must not understand economics and maths if you're making such claims or reading directly from their marketing pitch without giving it any cricial thoght. In the history of ponzis, when were they able to unponzi the ponzinomics?
Don't forget, Samsung invested a bunch of money into Sky Mavis, so there are big money players invested in this whole P2E paradigm, hoping to capitalize on the fervor and FOMO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Samsung is basically a government created monopoly with deep ties to certain families in Korea that retain power year after year, they're not exactly someone I would hold up as honourable business practitioners, so it doesn't surprise me that they keen on funding shitcoins and trying to wreck people its always been part of their business
I agree 100%. Samsung is basically THE crown corporation of South Korea, and they don't receive equal treatment under the law, they're basically the Untouchables, and they're big time financial backers of Sky Mavis
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't argue with that, no amount of truth telling can help