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RE: Diversification Can Be Dumping The Winner To Buy The Losers

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I don’t mind innovation, try out whatever you like that’s not my issue, my issue here is 99% of crypto does nothing and is going to zero we can both agree on that!

For Cryptos to be valued higher than the biggest companies in the world (which are propped up by central banks already) it says a lot about the state of the market. I know value is subjective but for a coin that does zero to have a market cap and daily trading volume of small countries is silly

For me Bitcoin needs to be that anchor because we have no measuring stick, measuring in dollars is clearly flawed. Measuring in Satoshis gets more accurate as the network grows

For me it’s obvious these networks are going nowhere when you measure them against Bitcoin in satoshi value and measure their network growth and measure their trading volume vs individual trades

These networks aren’t growing like we think they are, in fact many have them have already peaked

For me it’s about on ramps and off ramps, BTC has the most apps using it, the most exchanges, the most wallets

Yes lightning channel rebalancing has been an issue it’s a 3 year old tech but that’s why we now have lightning loops and lightning pools which is basically pooling liquidity to help throughput

There’s various degrees on lightning some custodial services some not! I can’t see how you can make a case against lightning when all of crypto is basically centralized ETH basically runs on AWS.

You can count on your hand the amount of full nodes most of these networks have, BTC has 100k nodes and 300 LN nodes.

I’m not trying to make you a believer, you don’t need Bitcoin it’s not going to affect you if you never own it but for me it does.

I don’t buy the arguments of other coins because once they see their project hits a wall because the scalability trilemma isn’t solvable and you have to give to get and everyone is producing their own solution that’s fine but it’s not exactly a solution if it was the market would price it in.

BTC doesn’t just have 1 second layer it has several and I’m sure more will come and be plugged in and since they all built off the same chain as they can speak to one another

It’s like the web today built on TCP/Ip, HTTP, WWW, HTTP2 and it all works seamlessly even though they different protocols they all work together to load your webpage

BTC is much more than the simple arguments of that altcoins claim. I’m not here to orange pill anyone, I’m just sharing how I interpret the info that’s publicly available