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RE: Algo Stablecoins Won't Save You

in LeoFinance3 years ago

That's the shitcoin narrative game, since there is no fundamental use case, you constantly have to invent one to keep people coming back, has bitcoin's usecase changed in 13 years no? Because it does what it says, shitcoins have failed miserably against bitcoin and now want to pivot into becoming mini central banks issuing unbacked fiat currency


You are literally using a "shitcoin" platform to exchange ideas (not "coins") with other people and engage in collective knowledge production. That is something Bitcoin was not meant to do, and it's something useful and powerful at the same time. Hive is backed by this process of collective knowledge production, by the transactions in and other marketplaces for digital art, by the games it powers. That's today, but the power of this platform is that it can sustain a host of other collective endeavors, where people come together and collaborate and achieve something. It's been done in the past, in the time of steem, there's no reason it cannot happen again.

Yes I know and dumping the shitcoin has been a complete ball ache because there is no liquidity lol 🤡