snap taken of
Well.. it looks like today is shot.. Trump strikes again! :P I won't take the chance that the sheeple will get spooked by anything the big man might or may not say.
but just for practice sake (and yes, this is still only on papermoney) let us take a look at what the chart is saying..
snap of my thinkorswim trading platform
I see the bears are out in force.
Something I've added to this trend following strategy.. I only Run with the Bulls,, that is, I only trade UP. So, I will wait for price to change directions and get it later.
Well, I don't think the Bulls are gonna come back in control today. So just for fun, let;s try and run with the bears now..
hmmmmm, my trade just closed, but taking a look at the chart.. the WAS some bullish activity, but nothing that should have caused a stop.. this is the risk u take when using automated stops.. the dreaded IV spikes.