While yes there are indicators you can look to for this, but these are based on stats or average probability. The WallStreetbets sub reddit Stunt has me thinking, While what they are doing is borderline market manipulation What they where fighting with the power of reddit was a hedge fund brokerage firm.
These essentially bet against the market
Wise crack did a great video on all this but there's a longer video by mat pat on game theory which delves more into the detail.
Wow SEC is scary, Any way back to the topic at hand can you predict a markets future. Yes and no I'm going to explain more, While you cant necessarily predict people you can point to trends in a market to indicate a likely conclusion. Further in detail Cryptocurrency markets are actually a little easier to predict if you understand the industry and market. While this recent spike we can thank Elon for and before that all the companies chasing Pay Pal the way the whole market is moving means this would have been predicting the market as a whole. What I want to look at is the opposite The devils in the details and so am I.
The details I'm referring to are technical differences, Variations of ledgers projects PoW PoS DPoS PPoS while these are just a few examples these Abbreviations are lost on anyone that doesn't have a deeper understanding. Those of us that have a more specified knowledge of the crypto currency industry understand both what they mean and what that means for investing. This isn't the only advantage we have over the average joe investor. Our second perhaps most important advantage are sites like leofinance, PublishOx, & Everything else remotely like Steamit. A pool of knowledgeable users and writers that pay you to learn, as corny as it sounds even coinbase learn to earn has some valuable insight(which is great because they owe us for the fees).
I sign up for mailing lists for most crypto companies which is also very useful. Get new updates about forks and halving way before they happen. One of my favorite examples of my success with this was Cardino & Lite coin velvet fork. Knowing what this meant and when it would happen is a great way to get a sizeable jump on the market reaction.
I researched this for an article and it paid off twice, The knowledge is free to everyone but like reddit just taught us we doubt each other and ourselves to our own peril. This is what hedge funds are counting on average consumer and investor ignorance. With Crypto the jokes on them because we paid attention our market is built by our cooperation not our ignorance.
This means for the first time perhaps ever the roles are reversed we know the publicly available secrets lost in the volumes of information. While hedge funds are fuming about the internet messing up their corrupt market, when they have no choice but to get into the cryptocurrency market we will be the ones waiting for them to solve the big secrets that everybody already have answers to but dont know where to start looking.
So the answer is sorta I cant predict the future no one can, But if everything continues in this direction of mass crypto adoption we stand a better chance as crypto bloggers of making a bet on a likely outcome than the wallstreet brokers.
My Next bet
You got this far actual reader so here is a hot tip COM isn't in phase two yet The market while generating it has yet to see its true value, I for one am buying as many as I can as well as mining them
Pay attention It is costly to do the opposite
Thanks Leofinance, Hive, Steamit, PublishOx, & a big thanks to our forefather of the internet Reddit. You have given us the tools and I for one am beginning to see what they are intended for.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta