The need for unlicensed stock images is something that every blogger or at least those of us whom blog for revenue can relate to. Cannabis images are often licensed those that are not rarely have THC cannabinoid formations as seen in the picture above. This is why I have been building a library of such images on Hives Stock Images Community. only 40 Photos so far here is the comunity url
I live in a place where al of this is bought from a store and legal, the stock image admin and owner are more than happy for these to be added to their resources. The image above was from 3.5 Grams of Super silver haze top shelf 28% THC cost $145.00 USD for 1/8 OZ literally the most expensive pot there.
Cannabis bloggers need resources to
Due to the legislation regarding cannabis not everyone can legally post image like this so I decided to give back to the hive community by providing a resource that is rare to say the least. Each url contains 5 images 40 total different states of THC such as the moldy stuff in #8 and concentrates as well as varying stages of THC development
The substance shown above is THC almost 100% pure 99.92% THC
cannabis distillate
All of those substances started as this those images as well as this one everything featured is my original work and free to use. As well as much more in the individual posts. Share this post with any marijuana blogger you know we all need resources.
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