Who do I have to speak to to make this a card, If there are 3 shark cards and this nightmare fuel doesn't have a card I dont know what's up. Some of the splinterlands death cards are less scary then this imagine how much one of these garbing your arm would freak you out.
Probably have bigger problems at that point though They are mainly found from the gloomy sublittoral zone at a depth of 170 m (560 ft) to the pitch darkness of the bathyal zone at 2,140 m (7,020 ft), where pressures are high and temperatures are very low.[11] A few species from this genus have been reported from shallower depths, notably B. miyarei between 22 and 280 m.
That being said I'm weird and this looks like a fun pet. However I dont believe in capturing wild animals for a pet, Rescues or nothing.
This little guy is Vinnie, An American Pitbull much scarier than the isopod pitbulls get put asleep at 3x the rate of other dog breads
To my knowledge we are lacking in 1 mana water creatures what better than this Lovecraftian puppy the isopod not Vinnie their both so cute I get confused . Just an observation I have nerd history stored up from decades there are a great many creatures that could and should be represented in splinterlands that exist in reality spider crab or even coconut crab a real world threat to mostly coconuts or brazen humans. Pistol shrimp, breaks the sonic barrier with its claws octopi have many different nerve clusters that function as independent brains. How in the hell does a jelly fish consciously decide. Sea slugs and worms that shoot their gastro intestinal tract at prey. Literally I could name endless aquatic craziness, platypus glows under UV light is venomous lays eggs has a bill and is somehow a mammal 1st I guess?
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Are these able to be used I know that the rights are tricky because its public collaboration, but It seems like similar communities WIKI & reddit SCP pages/ Blockchain blogging. Not everything's a winner but its community driven getting rid of the less interesting SCPs. If your having trouble with coming up with character premises I get it Its a tall order after a while.
So if you ever need unbridled plucky stupid optimism with 16 bad ideas 1 good idea tough getting through 16 or more bad ideas, but that 1 is sometimes not laughable. shoots past dullard to Devine, This is almost always proceeded with 16 horrible ideas or more assuming that I haven't incapacitated myself its when I do my best work when everyone has given up on paying attention.
In other news got 1 silver totem what ever that does, a third gold card,
& I finally made it to bronze rank 1
Getting in to the swing of things now, what is the deall with the land plots they have been dragging on presale longer than George r r martin trying to end a story.
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