Wernher von Braun, a rocket scientist and aerospace engineer, wrote a science fiction novel titled "Project Mars: A Technical Tale" in 1949, which was published in 1953. In this novel, he describes a human mission to Mars and the establishment of a Martian government. Interestingly, the leader of this Martian colony is referred to as "Elon." 🤯 🚀
illuminati confirmed ? 😂 !DOOK !BBH
Its a deep rabbit hole 😂 🔺
But Mr. von Braun was also a member of the #nsdap
Wow .. I didnt know that .!!
The guy is delicate - mostly responsible for make moon mission of #nasa a success but also the father of #v2 and part of #nazigermany
that's crazy.!! 🤯
@ciskodisco.opus! @bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (17/50)
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Oh my! Should we be freaking out right now? It sounds planned
#freecompliments !DOOK
nah .. its best to chill .!!! its a deep rabbit hole .!! 😂