i'm not knowledgeable enuff to judge, would just say that things are still in their infancy. not too pleased about bitcoin magazine bragging about funding canadian truckers as a symbol of success. freedom maximalism is another kind of authoritarianism, just under a different cloak... it's complicated. republicans here embracing btc, russians embracing btc,,, the world makes no sense, until you realize everyone's out for short-term gain. peace
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It's proper rubbish, you're just setting yourself up for massive double spends and diluting your supply with all these coins and chains, I can't see how a multi-chain world makes sense, its just a VC narrative to try and get retail to buy their bags and pushing the diversification fallacy
I totally get you, I like to celebrate it but I always hold a sense of skepticism around everything, I think a little freedom maximalism pushback is needed for a rebalance, we've clearly had way too much authoritarianism in the last 2 years. No system can correct without an overcorrection I suppose
As for these new class of BTC shills like Russia and the red states, its cool but they don't give a shit about BTC, the Republicans want to use it as a way to stick it to the dems and the Russians want to avoid US sanctions.
Its got zero to do with bitcoin, its just the current climate and game theory suits their objectives, they all paper hands anwyway and ill pick up their sats when they cry when things dont go their way
yes, a big mess all over ... i guess i lean to diversity in all things, plurality , so it's hard for me to envision a world without multichains and cross chains ... everything is still early, i like the view that diff chains will evolve specializations in diff areas, sectors, pub vs priv, who knows, but eventually transitions b/n will be fairly seemless. the overall big struggle, once again, is if we can evolve to an ethos of collective action and integrity instead of one-vs-all of scarcity and conflict
I'm not convinced on multi-chains, sure I can see private chains and chains for games or things like that but that's just going back to equity investing with extra steps.
As for something that's going to be global money I can't see how multi-chains all in different codebases, different developers all of which cannot enforce rules on another don't fall apart completely. Everytime you add a connection with another chain you multiply the attack surface
Code is not law if it's not protected by multiple nodes, and since most chains code is run on centralised servers they can always be attacked from one or other end. There's a lot of overpromising going on in the "we've got better tech" space. I've yet to see anyone really deliver