
You do. Read this. Shameless plug I know but I think it's very true for where we are right now. I just bought a bunch more and am planning on loading up even further (if Cub/Leo would ever calm the *&&% down) lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know what you're saying but I have a lot on my plate and it was easier just to buy lbi tokens, they were killing it far better than I could

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not a bad move at all. I own a bunch myself. I just think that Hive is going to really take off at some point. And with it only being 35 cents, it's still at a price you can accumulate a lot for not that much. I'm loading up as much as possible while still keeping my hands in other things. But, $3.50 Hive is a 10x. I think it's coming....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your regret will not change anything. It is better to start before leo boom. In the next one or two years, who knows leo social platform will kick off twter and facbooook

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My regret changes everything: from my motivation to show up everyday to my desire to stack leo until I achieve my objectives :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually it is when it was less than a cent. LOL

But yes the hindsight crowd will come out in full force.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta