I’ve actually got a post coming out sometime this week but I have a decent job right now where it pays the bills, does well for us but I also work a second job and I’m going to get a third one. The other 2 jobs are not every single weekend type of thing but they are contractor work where they post shifts and I pick them up. The money is great and I enjoy the work so I say fuck it, why not work extra? It’s the only way to get ahead in my opinion. It’s my own version of the gig economy where I don’t slow down. I guess I get it from my dad, who is in his 60’s and he works his full time job plus side jobs multiple days a week.
There are definitely a lot of people who just want the one job, work your hours and go home to watch sports, do the “stuff” that people are expected to do. I can’t do that shit lol I would rather be cleaning the house, organizing, writing posts or doing a lot of other things besides sitting down and watching some shit to keep us distracted.
I do miss a bit of the in person dynamic of work but at the same time I do not miss at all the fucked up commutes that we often have to do where we live to get to these places. That’s what annoys me the most. The housing near the places where the business offices are is often astronomical in price so that drives me nuts. I would love to live 10 minutes from where I work but I’m not going to financially ruin myself to do so that’s for sure. I’m not going to “keep up with the Jones’s” in that regard.
I completely agree. I have been writing about this kind of work for six years now! :D That hustle mindset brings opportunity and when doing it for a purpose other than simple survival, meaning to life.
And yeah, the commutes can suck (not an issue for most in Finland), but at the same time, they can be productive too. I used to have to drive a lot for work, or catch trains as I was working in multiple locations daily. However, I would listen to podcasts, or be mentally planning posts, taking short notes on what I will write. It was super useful for me and I had thousands of post ideas lined up.