It's hard to try and predict market cycles, much less when you are a coin that's on the lower end of the top 100 (currently off the top 100 for Hive unfortunately) but we will eventually make some progress. I'm hoping that we can garner some great support and financial success to help foster the development of the chain into what we want it to be, rather than just putting the carrot on the stick and guiding people along hoping it happens.
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I think we're seeing some good developments for Hive. I admittedly don't pay that much attention to core developments and focus more on trading Hive on the exchanges, but I still can see the progress this chain makes. Compared to other coins out there, Hive is light years ahead.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I agree that it is ahead but enough for others to notice and buy a bunch of it? That is yet to be determined, sometimes!