That's awesome man! Congrats on 5 years! I'm rounding towards my 5th myself! I can't believe that it's going to be 5 come this April, that's a hell of a lot of time that I have focused to Hive and Steem in one way or another!
The journey has definitely had it's ups and downs, trying moments and elating occurrences but the important thing as you said is showing up, being here and trying to bring the best we can to the community so that we can all improve together and drive towards the future. Whether that future, in the words of good old Taskmaster, is Monaco or China (size and market cap/wealth comparison, small but wealthy or large but average) a lot of us will be here trying to make our mark and see what we can do with the ecosystem.
I've enjoyed your content, I still remember the first time I stumbled upon your blog when you created the EDM community! I was hooked after that and enjoy stopping by to see what you're up to. Keep up the awesome work man!
Here's to another 5 years man!
I wonder if our 5th birthdays as kids were as exciting as our 5th birthdays on Hive.
It's gotten so much easier to continue no matter what the longer I've been here. I'm glad I never lost motivation when certain accounts stopped voting for me because new ones always seem to find me. I really just try not to look at payouts anymore and just trust that I'll have enough to continue living my life how I am now.
I still love EDM so much, I just don't go to shows much anymore because they are all going on way past midnight and I'd rather be sleeping. I will be doing a Spotify Wrapped post once the World Cup stops having daily matches. I'll have an awesome playlist, plus you'll get to see my favorite artists. Maybe you'll find somebody new to listen to because of it.