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RE: Volcanic Eruption Pending: Life, Blockchain, and a New Perspective

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Great to see you back man! I'm reaaaaaaally hoping the downvote thing is over, but just don't post weeks of Gran Turismo cars LOL in fact I would never post one of those again unless you decline rewards :D.

Really glad to hear that you are healthy and in a good place! Are you still doing door dash or whatever it was? Hopefully you are still hustling!

Pretty wild the recent price fluctuations that have been going on. I know I enjoy it but I also miss discounted Hive for sale LOL

Happy new year man! Hopefully you have a great one ahead of you!


Yeah hopefully so. I haven't played GT7 in 6 months either. Too busy.

I was going Instacart. I stopped doing that last May. I got an amazing job as transporter for a nursing/rehab facility. My first healthcare job and honestly the best job ever in so many ways. Hustling and helping 😎

Big things on the horizon here. I don’t want to be in the shadows during it.

Happy new year to you too my dude.

Oh yeah that's right I forgot you switched to that job! Awesome dude, I'm glad you are in that direction. There are a lot of things that can open up the more you expand in that type of thing. There are so many roles (I know from personal experience) in that sector that it's really wild to think about. So many underrepresented directions you can go in!

Glad that you're doing well though man, thought about you a time or two over the past few months!

For now I am thrilled to be getting to drive daily, socialize with amazing coworkers and residents, make use of all the clothes and shoes that I have, make consistent money, and know that what I do every day truly matters.

It’s good to be back.

Can't complain about that at all man! Having life and job satisfaction is so important, I'm glad you've found a really big and important source of it!

You da man. It’s cool to have great people to celebrate these types of things with again.