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RE: Wealth Tips - How to Have Money

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Looking forward to this as a series for sure! I like the way you think on this, it's something my wife and I have gotten to. We were never really big spenders, I spent more than she did but we adjusted that many years ago. I would love the nice fast cars and stuff that I dream of but will I actually buy one, even though I could technically afford it? Hell no!

I have been putting money into various crypto things instead. I've already seen far better ROI's on what I have invested than I ever did before with my traditional retirement accounts. We are at a good point now but always try to keep a net-positive income to spend ratio. Some months it's much higher than others but we have thankfully not gotten into a negative income to spend ratio for many years. Meanwhile, our friends and family are getting into massive debt for fruitless shit!

Only concern we have is that we have to make sure we keep ourselves stable since we have a child. If we didn't, we could be a lot riskier but we are comfortable with where we are at now thankfully.


Something I do on a regular basis. I go through any sub-one-cent cryptos and see what they are about. I take a small amount of money and buy thousands of the ones that look interesting. I grab the official wallet and note my private key, then put thousands of coins in it. Rinse and repeat.
When I am done with the ones that I like, I find that I have spent less than a hundred dollars on them all. I then forget about them for a year or so. It is the least risky investment I can make. Some go bust and others go five times their value. One in the group goes exponential.
Worst case. You tossed a hundred out. Best case. Six figures on one of them.

Awesome idea, I’m going to have to look into those and how I can get ahold of some. Do you use a stable coin or some other cheaper crypto to get them?

It is such a small amount, like 10,000 coins for $10, it would not matter what coin you use to buy them. Every dog has its day. And every crypto project has its spike.

Very true! Have there been any coins recently you got into and would recommend for an opportunity? Granted I’ll spend some time figuring out how to get ahold of it but that’s okay. When there’s a will there’s a way!