Disconnecting is fantastic, getting out and leaving all the crap behind without our phones. I have gone for some walks lately without my phone and it's nice!
In regards to the unhealthy versus healthy, it's not that clear cut with many. I go for walks and all that and was relatively physically fit in the past but didn't spend that much money on the goodies.
Take someone with type 1 diabetes though, or a serious heart condition. The companies are guaranteed without a doubt that they need to be medicated. They need insurance too. The companies are both connected financially so they win multiple ways from the same person. Make that increase exponentially by restricting people from getting out, eating healthy and doing things that are good for their body and mind and you increase your profits in the end. A sadistic, psychotic game of manipulation.
This is what I am talking about. THey get drained, but have nothing left to invest to generate. Plus, in order to care for them, everything is subsidized by tax payers, so even though they can't cover their medical consumables, everyone else will be forced through tax anyway. They don't want healthy people, that would kill the sickly cow that brings in so many streams and justifies taking from others to cover even more.
Sell them what will make them sick, then sell them what will supposedly help them, but never really heal them.
Oh absolutely. Carrot on a stick analogy 110%. Keep dangling it and you will make untold amounts of money from foolish people.