I think I’m the long run hive is going to end up like a Monaco or some other small country that is pretty well off but doesn’t have billions of users on it. That’s my hope at least. I wouldn’t mind a few hundred thousand users but could we handle it? Hard to say. I am assured that the amount of people willing to learn and figure out the nuances aren’t in the billions that’s for sure so we will figure something out in between.
I’m glad I visited the post here, I’m not just shouting into my own echo chamber! Lol. I’ve been trying to get out and explore others more, as time allows and it’s been good. I’ve gotten a few new people to keep track of and their content is not the normal things but I think that’s what’s cool about hive. The echo chamber is only as big as you make it. If you vote on something here, it’s just a vote. There’s no algorithm to show you something similar to what you just voted on. You could vote on some porn, then a soccer post, a food post, music post and end on a mountain picture post. An algorithm wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with that on those bigger platforms but here, that’s Tuesday. Lol and no algorithm to exploit your attention!
Yes! People think it needs to rival the size of Facebook to thrive - but it is like the performing arts - not for mass consumption.
A few hundred thousand would be manageable I think. If there are simultaneously new products and services with external input like Splinterlands, it is very manageable.
Yes. But there is the social algorithms in play and they are constantly changing form. It is amazingly interesting to me! :)