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RE: How to lose $130K overnight

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Oh man some wild price action on this all lol! I’ve been letting my wife know that the account on here is steadily rising in value but it’s locked away In a way kind of like a banking CD (certificate of deposit I think?) account. She’s thinking “when sell???” Type of stuff sometimes but she’s a long term kinda gal so she gets it, building wealth is something we’ve been doing for a while. I haven’t told her about the Splinterlands assets yet though, that might confuse her lol.

It’s crazy to see the action, I had no idea it was happening! I was on vacation and came back yesterday, waking up today to some insane prices. Slowly getting there that’s for sure! Hopefully we can keep these prices up, that 1.9k hive ive set aside for chaos legion is looking a lot nicer now hahaha. Might have to turn 1k of that into hive power!


She’s thinking “when sell???

My wife is the same. Not out of need or greed, but fear.

I haven’t told her about the Splinterlands assets yet though, that might confuse her lol.

Keep it as "a back pocket card" :D

Hopefully we can keep these prices up, that 1.9k hive ive set aside for chaos legion is looking a lot nicer now hahaha.

It would be perfect just before. I bought some credits to cover mine, as I don't get many packs with my holdings - but I will hopefully buy more packs later.