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RE: Where's the Hired Help?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Oh man that sucks! You popped your cherry and got burned all in the same, that's one you're going to convert to nunnery for!

My wife keeps wanting to hire help to do these things but sadly, what often happens is they do the easy surface cleaning and charge an arm and a leg to do it. I'd rather save the money and do it ourselves, with the added benefit of purging or not wasting time doing the easy stuff. If we had a bigger house, sure, but it's not that big of a deal right now lol.

I think the best thing to do for this stuff would be a DAO but importantly one that we as consumers and citizens create, not waiting for the blessings upon high to help us with it. If we wait for scraps from them, then there would definitely be fees and kick backs for them, which isn't the worst if it's a local developer or something but it's going to the evils instead of the average folks.


I feel dirty... didn't even get dinner and a movie out of it!

I think the only reason my wife chose this time was because she suspected (rightly) that we will be swamped prepping. My five year old is useless!

I would like a lot of ground-up local development to start happening and with some tokenization, it is possible to finance and keep it ticking in various ways too.

If only more people were crypto enabled mentally.

Hahaha yeah, our son is about the same, little stinks! "Can you please clean up your toys?" moves one toy then starts playing with it in the place he moved it to 😤

The mental side of it is definitely an important one. We have two friends that we know of that are into it and the aspects of things like DAO's etc. but the others aren't going for it, only one I know of bought some Doge but nothing else lol